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What is happening in this image?

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Presentation on theme: "What is happening in this image?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is happening in this image?
What does it suggest about way of life? What would the whites think? How could this cause conflict?

2 Why did Native American Warfare make them appear uncivilised?
To be able to explain why Indians went to war and the meanings of their war customs To be able to suggest reasons why the whites thought the Indians were savage

3 What weapons did the Native Americans have?

4 What do you think is happening in this image?

5 What was Counting Coup? Warriors won prestige by acts of bravery in the face of the enemy, which could be recorded in various ways and retold as stories. Any blow struck against the enemy counted as a coup, but the most prestigious acts included touching an enemy warrior with the hand, bow, or coup stick and escaping unharmed.

6 WAR No one was forced to go to war - individual warriors chose to follow the chief to war or not, as they felt best. The aim of war was to capture horses and to show bravery. The bravest act of war was to score a coup (where a warrior tapped his enemy with a stick and escaped). Native Americans scalped their enemy to stop him going to an afterworld they called the Happy Hunting Ground. The main aim in war was to stay alive, in order to care for the family (community spirit)

7 Why would the whites consider the Native Americans savage based on their warfare?

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