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3200 B.C. – 500 B.C. Ancient Egypt Cory May

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1 3200 B.C. – 500 B.C. Ancient Egypt Cory May
3: Kingdom on the Nile

2 Early Egypt ~3100 B.C. – King Menes of Upper Egypt unites Egypt
Capital established at Memphis Use the Nile as a highway for trade, among many other things Merchants use barges & sailboats

3 The Old Kingdom (~ B.C.) Pharaohs organized a strong, centralized government; hold absolute power, seen as a god Bureaucracy, rule w/ viziers; nobles powerful locally Ptah-hotep

4 “Age of the Pyramids” Many pyramids built around Memphis
Great pyramids stand at Giza; biggest built by Khufu

5 Middle Kingdom (~1938-1630 B.C.) Corruption & rebellion common
Rulers create more arable land through organizing a large drainage project Egyptian armies occupy Nubia; rich in gold Senusret III Period of peace & prosperity Revived crafts, trade, & cities

6 Hyksos Invasion ~1630 B.C. – Hyksos invade Egypt, nomads
Horse-drawn chariot Easily conquer Egypt; 1st time rule by outsiders Peaceful Takeover?

7 Hyksos Rule Preserve Egyptian culture, adopt customs & beliefs
Bring knowledge of weapons, chariots, armor, composite bow Chief deity, Seth

8 New Kingdom (~1539-1075 B.C.) Period of strong pharaohs w/ strong rule
~1450 B.C. – height of power - empire reaches as far as Syria & Euphrates River 1st Female pharaoh - Hatshepsut Encourages trade in Mediterranean & along the Red Sea

9 Thutmose III Hatshepsut’s stepson
Great general; spread Egypt to Euphrates Won a great victory at Megiddo Very Religious Built and/or enlarged many temples

10 Ramses II Pushes lands to Syria; rules for __ years
Boasts his victories on temples & monuments Fights against the Hittites Signs a treaty, 1st of its kind Declares: “Egypt & the Hittites shall be at peace & in brotherhood forever.”

11 Invasions & Decline Falls apart after Ramses III
Nubians invade; leave a mark Also Babylonians, Assyrians & Persians Under Persian control until Alexander the Great Cleopatra, the last pharaoh, defeated by Rome

12 Comparison: Old & Middle
Old Kingdom Middle Kingdom Thought pharaohs were ______ Only pharaohs lived forever Pharaohs buried in _______ Longer complete power, shared w/ officials Everyone lived forever (all ______ Tombs cut into _______ near Thebes

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