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Partner contribution: SYKE

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1 Partner contribution: SYKE
EMODnet Chemistry WP1: Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions: current status Partner contribution: SYKE Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia 1

2 Spatial and temporal data coverage
EMODnet Chemistry Spatial and temporal data coverage Finland SYKE 13 Coastal Stations Year Visits 2008 213 2009 141 2010 190 2011 191 2012 177 Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia 2

3 Spatial and temporal data coverage
EMODnet Chemistry Spatial and temporal data coverage Variable Collection 1: Depth [m] 2: ALK Alkalinity 3: Depth [mg/l] 4: PO4P [μg/l] Phosphate 5: PO4P_F1 [μg/l] Phosphate with filtration 6: PTOT [μg/l] Total phosphorous 7: NO23N [μg/l] Nitrate & Nitrite 8: NO3N [μg/l] Nitrate 9: NO2N [μg/l] Nitrite 10: NH4N [μg/l] Ammonium 11: NTOT [μg/l] Total nitrigen 12: PH [pH units] 13: CP [μg/l] Chloropyll-a 14: SIO2 [mg/l] Silicate Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia 3

4 Spatial and temporal data coverage
EMODnet Chemistry Spatial and temporal data coverage Problems and plans CDI and ODV sample data sent to CDI_Support Samle file s are accepted. Download manager in testing and will be finished soon. Task scheduler problems pending Future data contribution according to the Baltic Sea area plan Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia 4

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