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Generating Nemeth Braille Output Sequences from Content MathML Markup

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Presentation on theme: "Generating Nemeth Braille Output Sequences from Content MathML Markup"— Presentation transcript:

1 Generating Nemeth Braille Output Sequences from Content MathML Markup
Sam Dooley Pearson Assessment Su Park

2 Braille math is hard! Blind students need high-quality braille math
Advanced preparation is costly and takes time Software translation can be problematic Real-time two-way translation is non-existent

3 Producing Braille Math
Online equation editor software component Real-time translation from math into braille Accessible to both sighted and blind users Nemeth Braille Content MathML

4 Braille Output Demo Numbers Arithmetic Equations Fractions Radicals
Exponents Functions

5 W3C MathML (1998) World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
XML element/attribute vocabulary Typical K-12 and higher ed. math Presentation and content markup

6 Nemeth Braille (1952) Abraham Nemeth (AFB, APH, BANA)
Tactile encoding for print math Math for technical publications Presentational math structures Consistent with content markup

7 Presentation v. Content
Presentation encodes signs/symbols Content encodes functional structure "x^2+1" v. "1346, 45, 23, 5, 346, 2" "x^2+1" v. (plus (power x 2) 1)

8 Equation Editor (2002) WYSIWYG entry for math expressions
Keyboard input into Content MathML Content MathML to Presentation MathML Display MathML in a browser (MathJax)

9 Content to Presentation
Math operators determine notations Operator-based XML transformations Minimal contextual dependencies Presentation links back to content (plus x 1) v. "x + 1"

10 Content to Braille Operators determine braille symbols
Operator-based transforms to braille Additional contextual dependencies Flattening to linear output format (plus x 1) v. "1346, 346, 2"

11 Structure Braille determined by operator alone
No influence from surrounding markup Operation, comparison, symbols, etc. Arrows, shapes, circled/squared ops

12 Context Surrounding markup affects encoding
Nested fractions and radicals Superscripts and subscripts Over and under scripts

13 Kerning Adjacent markup affects encoding Spacing rules
Numeric indicators Alphabetic indicators Multipurpose indicators

14 Braille Output Testing
Content MathML segments (948) Most from the Nemeth reference Machine-generated Nemeth output Displayed on a braille terminal Hand-generated alternate text Spoken by a screen reader Output verified by a blind user Within a day and a half Defects identified and reported

15 Further work Address remaining defect fixes
Limits, derivatives, integrals Combining text and math content Spatial arrangements Tactile graphics

16 Applications Web-based translation tools Stand-alone translation tools
Online high-stakes assessment Real-time classroom translation

17 To Be Continued … Generating Content MathML Markup from Nemeth Braille Input Sequences Sam Dooley, Dan Brown, Edgar Lozano

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