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ICT and HIS in Lao PDR Sengaloun SENGSAVANG Dr Swady Kingkeo

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1 ICT and HIS in Lao PDR Sengaloun SENGSAVANG Dr Swady Kingkeo
IT Division/MOH Cabinet Dr Swady Kingkeo Health Statistic Division

2 Backgrounds Lao PDR is one of the least developed countries and a small county with 6.3 millions population in South East Asian region. GDP was 984 US$ per capita in 2010 Total health expenditure per capita was 18.9 US$ in the year 2007.

3 Current status of HIS in Lao PDR
There are many health information systems of vertical programs with many overlapping data collection and reporting. These make overload for health facilities staff especially health center staff in filling the registers and reported forms. Main HIS office is belong to Planning and Finance Department of MOH. There is emergency response system and routine surveillance system

4 Current status of HIS in Lao PDR
Data management is not functional with low coordination. PHI resources are limited on legislation and planning, HRD, and infrastructure. Data sources is adequate. But there is no vital registration. The dissemination and information use is limited.

5 National internet portal
Infrastructure of National intranet network At National internet portal Department office in provincial level ລະບົບຄື້ນວິທະຍຸ (Wimax) ກະດູກສັນຫຼັງ (Back bone) 2.5 GB e-Gov project Ministry of Defence Infrastructure of NAST National Intranet linked to all province Fiber optic 2 Egovernment at Provincial level Fiber optic 1 Fiber Optic Fiber optic ລະບົບຄື້ນວິທະຍຸ (Wimax) Governor office of Provinces Government office Government office and leader’ house Government Office

6 ICT for MOH(

7 Pilot Project for the improved Health & Medical environment with ICT for rural areas in Lao P.D.R. (By JTEC)

8 PHI status in Lao PDR HIS combine with paper and IT based system.
The Village Electronic Health Education will be piloted. The data collectors, producers and users rarely use computer sciences and technology. The health and statistical workers have low knowledge and practice on using the health information and ICT. The PHI stakeholders are UN agencies, ADB, ASEAN and government institutions. There is no electrical individual records system. Finance, techniques and culture are the main barriers.

9 PHI status in Lao PDR The systematic application of information and computer science and technology to public health practice, research and learning is very limited. There is no or very limited semantic interoperability across HIS of vertical programs. The feasibility in use cases of PHI key informant survey is rate from 3 to 7 with financial and techniques barriers.

10 Ways for improving PHI in Lao PDR
The most prioritized is use of morbidity data in the electronic health record because it will reduce. PHI can standardize data collection and analysis across vertical programs. They need to develop PHI plan on data management, HIS resources, dissemination and use information, and data sources. The duplication and poor quality morbidity data collection can be solved through introduction and piloting of electronic health facility patient record. Regional PHI work Agenda should be focused on the digitalization of individual health information (EHR) And the assistance on financial and technical are needed. ICT Master Plan for MOH ,cost $3Millions.

11 Thank you for your attention

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