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Food Chains and Food Webs

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1 Food Chains and Food Webs

2 What is a Food Chain? A food chain is the path by which energy passes from one living thing to another.

3 AUTOTROPH (Producers) HETEROTROPH (Consumers)
What’s in a Food Chain? AUTOTROPH (Producers) HETEROTROPH (Consumers)

4 Autotrophs An “AUTOTROPH” is any organism that can produce it's own food. It doesn't rely on any other organism. Autotrophs are always the first organism in a food chain.

5 Examples of Autotrophs
Most plants are autotrophs because they get energy from the sunlight and create food using PHOTOSYNTHESIS. Some algae (a protist) can do that photosynthesis thing, too. Some bacteria are autotrophs, too. They can use naturally-occurring chemicals as a food source, and some types of bacteria have figured out how to do photosynthesis just like plants.

6 Heterotrophs Have to rely on other organisms as a source of food because they cannot naturally make their own. Another commonly used word for “heterotroph” is CONSUMER, but decomposers fall into this category as well.

7 Examples of Heterotrophs
All (known) animals are this. Most Protists are this, too. Also, all fungi are this. Which means that DECOMPOSERS are included.

8 Four Types of Heterotrophs
Herbivores Carnivores Detritivores Omnivores

9 Herbivores THESE GUYS ONLY EAT PLANTS: grasshoppers rabbits squirrels
deer pandas

10 Carnivores THESE GUYS EAT OTHER ANIMALS: tigers lions hawks wolves

- Mushrooms - Some bacteria - Vulture - Coyote Can be “scavenger” or “decomposer”

12 Omnivores THESE GUYS DON'T REALLY CARE WHAT THEY EAT (Mostly anything): humans bears

13 Predator & Prey In a food chain, you fall into one of two categories. Sometimes you can be both. Predator- Hunts and eat other organisms. Prey- Get hunted by other organisms.

14 What is a Food Web? More realistic than food chains, cuz everything in nature is connected. Its just a bunch of different food chains that are linked together.

15 Food Webs How many food chains can you make from this food web?
There are four. You will be expected to make an accurate food web for your plot.

16 Apex Predator Some organisms just can't be messed within their ecosystem. If you are never something's prey, then you are considered an “Apex Predator.” Just because you're an apex predator in one ecosystem doesn't necessarily mean that will always be the case. Think about a human. You feel nice and safe living in the city, but I'm willing to bet that if we went camping in the Amazon Rainforest for a field trip, this classroom would be a bit more empty next week... Just sayin'.

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