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Accounting I Mrs. Gail Mehno

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Presentation on theme: "Accounting I Mrs. Gail Mehno"— Presentation transcript:

1 Accounting I Mrs. Gail Mehno
Welcome to Accounting Accounting I Mrs. Gail Mehno

2 How much Data do you really see?
Did You Know     Media    

3 Class Rules… Be Respectful Use the Restroom before or after class.
Pass required. Complete Your OWN Work—No Sharing. Be on Time and Prepared No IPods, Cell Phones, etc. No Food or Drinks in the Room Printing—Please ask—Always Print Preview

4 Please Bring by Friday…
A small 3-ringed folder for worksheets to be stored when printed out. A good eraser (block) optional White out pen (for mistakes you might make) Requesting… 1 box of Kleenex If you need help, please talk to me or write me a note.

5 Technology Policy… You MUST abide by these rules or you will lose your computer privileges (Finding make up time is difficult--BIM must use a computer) Each assignment MUST be saved to your H:Drive… if it’s not there, you won’t get credit SAVE FILES WITH THE NAME THAT YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO NAME THEM! (No random naming) Read…Sign…Return this week with signature

6 Classroom Procedures No Headphones.
Don’t move or switch parts of the computers. If you have an emergency and need to leave the room, fill out the pass completely, take it with you, and return with the pass. Tutoring is before school or after school until 4:30. Please let me know you are coming.

7 What Will We Learn? Business Ownerships and Policies Proprietorship
Partnerships Corporations Technology Excel 2013 Interactive worksheets and spreadsheets PowerPoint 2013

8 Grading 50% comes from Daily Grades and Class Participation
50% comes from Major Grades such as large projects and tests

9 Certifications and Clubs
DECA—Marketing Club Competitive events—Must be a member to participate in contests and programs. MOS Certification G-Metrix Certiport—registration needed Word 2013, Excel 2013, PowerPoint 2013, Access 2013 UIL Academics —Competitive events subject related 22 events Computer Applications, Accounting, Computer Science, etc.


11 Logging into the school system…
Press CTRL + ALT + DEL to prompt for your login and password. Enter your student ID # for login and again for your password. You will be prompted to change your password immediately. Be sure your password is one you will remember!

12 Your H Drive… Is your SAVING grace. Literally.
Go to START and MY COMPUTER. Locate your H Drive which is labeled with your student ID #. You will save EVERYTHING you do in class on your H Drive. If it is not in your H drive, it is not done. You may also bring a folder to keep returned papers in. This is not required, but you may want to look back for review purposes for tests.

13 Creating Folders in your H Drive
In your H Drive, right click anywhere in the white space. Choose NEW and then FOLDER. Type Accounting for the folder name. Now click on your Accounting folder, and create a new folder inside titled FIRST NINE WEEKS. Your work will be expected here. I will give additional instructions when assignments are given.

14 Remember… Always save to your H drive folders.
If you forget and save to the C: drive, your information will be gone tomorrow.

15 Variety of Work in Class
Journaling Textbook Demonstrations Practice On-line Previews and Reviews Tests Internet Activities Individual and Group Assignments

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