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CCN sFTP Reporting Guide for Partners

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Presentation on theme: "CCN sFTP Reporting Guide for Partners"— Presentation transcript:

1 CCN sFTP Reporting Guide for Partners
What is the Goal?: To submit documents to Care Compass Network (CCN) through the sFTP site successfully

2 CCN Monthly Submissions
What are you Submitting? Monthly Reports for Projects your company is working on for CCN These projects could include: INTERACT Integration Navigation Crisis Stabilization Or other services your company provides.

3 Let’s get started! Log-in to Care Compass Network Secure File Transmission (SFTP) Site You will be given a username and password by Dustin Moore in an . Both are Case Sensitive.

4 Uploading Monthly Reports
After the login screen, you will be on your home screen. Double-click on the folder with your organization’s name that you are reporting for. This print screen is for a Test Account. In most cases there will only be one folder for your organization.

5 Uploading Monthly Reports
Once you’ve picked your company, you will see an “Inbox” and “Outbox.” Double-click on the “Inbox Folder” to open it.

6 Uploading Monthly Reports
Once in the “Inbox,” click on the Upload icon circled in red in the picture below.

7 Uploading Monthly Reports
Click “Browse” Click on the file you want to upload Click “Open” 1 2 3

8 Uploading Monthly Reports
You now should be on the Upload window. Click Upload. Once the file has loaded, the Upload window stays open. You can select another file to upload or click the Close button.

9 Viewing Uploads / Logout
Once you’ve uploaded all of your files you can view the uploads in the Inbox. To logout of the SFTP site, click on the arrow in the upper right-hand corner and select Logout.

10 Find / Download Previous Reports Here
Partner Folders Upload Materials Here Find / Download Previous Reports Here

11 Recovering Your Password
If you cannot remember your password, do the following: Click the “Recover Password” link from the log-in screen Enter your address and click OK. A new password will be ed to you. Use the password sent to your to log-in. You can change your password at anytime.

12 To Change Your Password
Click the drop-down arrow next to your user name (upper right hand corner) and select Change Password. Password must have: 8-digit; letters and numbers; contain upper and lower case letters

13 Please keep the following in mind when submitting reports:
Do’s and Don’ts Please keep the following in mind when submitting reports: Any submitted reports with errors will need to be corrected and resubmitted by you.

14 Do’s Allow multiple users accounts for the sFTP site
Use correct naming for all files being submitted – files incorrectly named will not be able to be processed Double check quality before submission Contact your Provider Relations Representative with Questions

15 Don’ts Don’t Password protect or Encrypt files
Don’t Submit separate reports for sites MUST be included in same report (with Site indicated) Don’t Name multiple files with the same name Will be overwritten in the sFTP site Don’t Share Usernames/Passwords MUST be HIPAA compliant

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