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CONUL Teaching and Learning Sub Committee

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1 CONUL Teaching and Learning Sub Committee
Progress Report and 3 Year plan Mary Antonesa NUIM (Chair)

2 Purpose Standing committee to investigate the role of libraries in teaching and learning Standing committee rather than “task and finish” Position library as partners in the teaching and learning focus of our institutions

3 Positionality Very exciting times in teaching and learning developments Information Literacy is evolving Changing our emphasis from IL to a wider teaching and learning remit More holistic and focused on wider university teaching and learning strategies

4 New opportunity This standing committee while building on existing work has a new opportunity to consider our wider teaching and learning responsibilities

5 What are we doing? We aim to review our institutional teaching and learning agendas and identify opportunities for our libraries to partner in these.

6 Critical focus What added value can we bring to teaching and learning at our institutions? How do we ensure we deliver on this?

7 Terms of Reference Identify, understand and measure the value and role, both current and future, of libraries in teaching and learning within Higher Education. Build strategies to position the library at the heart of the student experience Collaborate more closely with academic and support services colleagues in achieving this goal

8 Achievements to date Built on work of Advisory Committee on Information Literacy Ran successful and popular seminar annual IL seminar “one of the better seminars I have attended” (2013 feedback) Fostered IL initiatives to support organisational strategy:  LIST (NUIM); First 7 Weeks (UL); Generation 21 (DCU) , HITS (TCD) and STEERS (DIT) Forum to collaborate and share between libraries Integrating IL into the curriculum (2011) Nationwide IL survey from 2012/13

9 Three Year Strategic Objectives; 2013-2016
Monitor trends Professional Development Advocacy and promotion Collaboration

10 Monitor trends Identify and share the key strategies and objectives of our institutions that focus on the student experience: graduate attributes, skills set and employability Collectively review opportunities for libraries to contribute to the delivery of these objectives. Consider impact of digital, media, and other literacies and their role in the teaching and learning including implications for online (MOOCs etc) and more traditional learning initiatives.

11 Professional Development
Continue to organise and run our popular annual seminar : consider the potential of an annual Library Teaching and Learning award for innovative library teaching practices, to be presented at this seminar Explore assessment and metrics in teaching and learning and examine how we could harness these to demonstrate the value of library staff involvement in wider institutional teaching and learning Deploy social media to inform and educate library professionals and managers on CPD activities, trends, articles and reports. #CONUL Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the library teaching experience and collectively identify current or emerging skills gaps, identifying Train the Trainer opportunities and making training recommendations to ANLTC

12 Advocacy and promotion
Continue to liaise and build relationships with relevant committees such as other CONUL sub-groups, Academic Teaching and Learning groups, international groups such as SCONUL, etc. and develop further networks where appropriate

13 Collaboration This committee could consider options for hosting and sharing material for all colleagues in teaching and learning by reviewing shared online working environment options or other approaches to sharing

14 Next step Begin to map and prioritise work plan
Gather information on key teaching and learning initiatives Build up a snapshot of current provision, where there is overlap, where there are gaps, etc Share collaboratively within our group and beyond Present on CONUL website for comment

15 Membership Mary Antonesa NUIM (Chair) Grainne McCabe RCSI ( Treasurer)
Siobhan Dunne DCU ( Web editor) Brian Gillespie DIT Peter Hickey UCD Monica Crump NUIG Ronan Madden UCC Liz Dore UL Isolde Harpur TCD

16 Thank You!

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