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Chapter 20- Protist Kingdom

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1 Chapter 20- Protist Kingdom

2 Animallike Protist Name: Drawing: Trichomonas Characteristics:
Zooflagellates- unicellular Characteristics: Move with flagella Examples: Trichonympha-Termites Trypanosoma-African Sleeping sickness Drawing: Trichomonas

3 Animallike Protists Name: Characteristics: Example: Drawing:
Sarcodines- unicellular Characteristics: move and feed with pseudopods Example: Amoeba Drawing:

4 Animallike Protists Name: Drawing: Characteristics: Examples:
Cilliates- unicellular Characteristics: Move and feed with cilia Examples: Paramecium Drawing:

5 Animallike Protists Name: Drawing: Characteristics: Example:
Sporozoans-unicellular Characteristics: Parasitic No method of movement Example: Plasmodium- malaria Drawing:

6 Plantlike Protists- Unicellular
Drawing: Name: Euglenophyes- unicellular Characteristics: Two flagella No cell wall Example: Euglena

7 Plantlike Protists-unicellular
Name: Dinoflagellates- unicellular Characteristics: Half are heterotrophic Most have 2 flagella Luminescent Example: Coral, Clams Drawing: Pyrrophyta

8 Plantlike Protists-unicellular
Name: Chrysophytes- unicellular Characteristics: Gold colored chloroplasts Store food as an oil instead of a starch Examples: Golden algae Drawing:

9 Plantlike Protists-unicellular
Drawing: Name: Diatoms- unicellular Characteristics: Cell walls contain silicon Examples: Fresh water Salt water

10 Plantlike Protists- Multicellular
Name: Red Algae-multicellular Characterics: Contains redish pigment Can live at great depths in the ocean Example: Irish Moss-tidepools Drawing:

11 Plantlike Protists- Multicellular
Name: Brown algae- multicellular Characteristics: Contains brown pigments Largest algae Found in cool shallow coastal waters Drawing:

12 Plantlike Protists- Multicellular
Name: Green Algae- multicellular Characteristics: Same pigements & cell walls as plants Found in fresh or salt water Can be unicellular, colonial or multicellular Drawing:

13 Funguslike Protists Drawing: Name: Characteristics: Slime Molds
Found in damp areas that have a lot of decaying matter

14 Funguslike Protists Drawing: Name: Characteristics: Water mold
Found on dead or decaying matter in water Cell walls made of cellulose

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