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Group Activities @ CERN Taylan Yetkin Post-Doctoral Research Scholar.

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1 Group Activities @ CERN
Taylan Yetkin Post-Doctoral Research Scholar

2 Introduction University of Iowa plays an important role at CERN in detector operations and physics studies for CMS: Detector HB, HE, HF, ZDC, CASTOR Physics (see Asli’s talk for details) Higgs, QCD, SUSY, Low-x Physics [1-6]

3 Group Members @ CERN Yasar Onel (faculty, sabbatical)
Kerem Cankocak (research scholar) Jean-Pierre Merlo (research scholar) Alexi Mestvirishvili (research scholar) Ferhat Ozok (graduate student) Sercan Sen (graduate student) Taylan Yetkin (research scholar) Ianos Schmidt (engineer) Paul Debbins (engineer) During summers almost all members travel to CERN to participate ongoing CMS activities and R&D studies.

4 Contributions to Detector Operations
Main responsibility is the HF detector, which will provide triggers, luminosity and minimum bias information during first collisions. We also work on HB, HE and other forward detectors (ZDC, CASTOR) with various roles (shifter, on call operation expert). Calibration and data quality of various detectors are being monitored constantly.

5 Shift Counts: 8h at P5/FNAL
Contributions Shift Counts: 8h at P5/FNAL Shift Counts: 12h on call March October 2009 March October 2009 Source: P. Romero Iowa team is one of the major contributors to HCAL detector operations.

6 Commissioning Studies
HF readout box region sees fringe field lines. Their effect on PMT response were studied during CRAFT. Text Text LED and Laser runs showed stable from HF PMTs with the ramp up B field. Good shielding for PMTs.

7 Commissioning Studies-II
φ Index η Index ETjet (GeV) CRAFT data, as well as CRUZET data, were used to hunt for noisy channels that would result in fake jets Cable problem that was traced to Readout Box. E -Short (GeV)

8 Very close to beam collisions ...

9 Protons reached near to CMS on Nov 6th.
Beam 2 E= 450 GeV Protons reached near to CMS on Nov 6th.

10 Energy at O(1000) GeV was seen in the detectors.
Beam Splash HF(-) HF(+) Energy at O(1000) GeV was seen in the detectors.

11 Public News: e-commentary
Within minutes Iowa team at SX5 delivered first plots from beam splash events for HF detectors.

12 Identified during beam splash
Fast Feedback Identified during beam splash Some channels of HF misbehaves. With the quick splash event analysis we reported it to HCAL.

13 Fast Feedback-II Signal is not in the search window. Now OK. ZDC was not timed in the splash events, until we reported it!

14 LHC 2009 Schedule This weekend we will have short beam splash runs from Beam 1. Then protons will be circulated for collision preparation. We expect to see first collisions in December.

15 Summary Our presence at CERN is important and well recognized.
We contribute to CMS operations in physics and detector studies: HCAL Prompt Feedback Group Co-convener (Taylan, ) HF Coordinator (Kerem) HCAL Operation Experts (Alexi/Kerem/Sercan) HCAL Operation Coordinator (Taylan-in training currently) We will transfer our experience to Fermilab ROC.

16 References HF and qqH Events, VBF Workshop Talk, 2009.
MET Performance in CMS, CMS AN-2007/041. Effect of Hot Cell Removal on SUSY Signal, SUSY Group Talk, 2009. QCD Smearing Method, SUSY Group Talk, 2009. Introduction to HF Detector, Forward Physics Group Meeting, 2009. HF Noise Level, Forward Physics Group Meeting,

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