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Lab Practical #1 Review Tim Rogers 2017.

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1 Lab Practical #1 Review Tim Rogers 2017

2 Learning Outcome #1 (Module #1)
“An ability to program a microcontroller to perform various tasks” Architecture and Programming Model Instruction Set Overview Assembly Control Structures Control Structure Applications Table Lookup Parameter Passing Macros and Structured Programming

3 “An ability to interface a microcontroller to various devices”
Learning Outcome #2 (Module #2) “An ability to interface a microcontroller to various devices” Bus Timing Analysis 9S12C Multiplexed Bus Expansion General-Purpose I/O Ports Buffered I/O Handling Interrupt Handling Buffered, Interrupt-Driven Printer Design Example

4 Exam Structure

5 You will be given (and can use throughout the exam)
Module 1 and 2 Lecture Summary Notes 9S12C programming guide and reference Specs for SRAM memory Specs for the expanded bus

6 Bonus Opportunities Draw out the timing diagrams related to multiple choice questions I will go over them and assign bonus based on how complete/competent they are - (1% of total course grade possible)

7 For Programming Part Look at problems in lab 3
Problem difficulty/length similar Note grading scheme Do not focus all your time on efficiency – functionality first, then efficiency

8 Stack Creep! Occurs when the stack state is not as expected
Demo on problem code…

9 Reentrancy! Do not use global variables for storing temporary data!
If you run out of registers – use the stack But be careful not to get stack creep!

10 For multiple choice part
Pace yourself If you are asked to use ISP level – make sure your part is right May be asked to look at a system that has some ABEL. You will not have to write, fill in any ABEL blanks

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