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Manpower Associates is a $14

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1 Bring up on stage two customers to tell the audience about their experiences.
Manpower Associates is a $14.9B global company with 27,000 employees in the temporary staffing business. Manpower runs a combined PeopleSoft Enterprise and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne shop. These experts in human resources use Enterprise HCM for their own staffing and EnterpriseOne Payroll and Service Billing for handling the large volumes of US-based temporary staff. Manpower is very happy with Oracle’s support since purchasing PeopleSoft and is looking forward to a long relationship with Oracle. Spokesperson will be Jay Schaudies, Vice President, Global eCommerce. Welch Foods is the food processing and marketing arm of National Grape Cooperative Association. Organized in 1945, National Grape is a grower-owned agricultural cooperative with 1,461 members. The company, headquartered in Concord, Massachusetts, operates six plants located in Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania and Washington. The company was running a mix of legacy, home grown, and manual systems that failed to provide senior management with accurate and timely cost and production information. Welch’s required a centralized manufacturing and financial information system to improve management decision making. The solution had to be hot-pluggable with existing technologies, for example, Welch’s Plumtree portal. Welch Foods chose Oracle over SAP for this business-critical application. The key to the customer’s business problem was their ability to manage costs. The company’s costs are driven by fruit solid content in each of their products, and they use a specialized technique called BRIX for measuring and calculating the cost of materials. Welch’s compared SAP and Oracle SAP’s software was too rigid and, therefore, unable to include the BRIX calculation in their manufacturing solution. Only Oracle’s OPM could bind this custom cost method into the Quality Management Process. Technology customer yet to be determined. Current possibilities include eBay and FTD Florists. 1 1

2 2 Secure, Asynchronous Web Applications Using Java Servlet 3.0 and Java EE 6 Rajiv Mordani Shing Wai Chan Prasanth Pallamreddy

3 The following is intended to outline our general product direction
The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle. 3

4 Security enhancements Use cases Q&A
Agenda Overview Asynchronous support Security enhancements Use cases Q&A 4

5 Servlet 3.0 final with Java EE 6 Feature set includes support for
Overview Servlet 3.0 final with Java EE 6 Feature set includes support for Ease of development Pluggability Asynchronous support Security File upload 5

6 Why Asynchronous Servlets?
Asynchronous support Why Asynchronous Servlets? Waiting for resources (e.g JDBC connection) Waiting for events (e.g Chat) Waiting for response (e.g call to a web service) No Async IO In a future release with dependency on NIO2 6

7 Overview of Asynchronous API ServletRequest
ServletRequest.isAsyncSupported() true if all filters / servlets support async in The filter chain The RequestDispatch chain 7

8 Overview of Asynchronous API ServletRequest / AsyncContext
Configured in web.xml <async-supported>true</async-supported> With annotation @WebServlet(asyncSupported=true) Programmatic registration.setAsyncSupported(true) 8

9 Overview of Asynchronous API AsyncContext
AsyncContext ServletRequest.startAsync() Called by Filter / Servlet Response is not committed on the return of servlet.service(request, response) Filter chain AsyncContext ServletRequest.startAsync(request,response ) Variation that can preserve wrappers 9

10 Overview of Asynchronous API AsyncContext
AsyncContext.dispatch() Called by the asynchronous handler Schedule async dispatch DispatcherType.ASYNC Response generated by Filter / Servlet Using container thread pool Possibly using frameworks like JSF, JSP or others Java EE context available (EJB, JNDI, JTA etc) 10

11 Overview of Asynchronous API AsyncContext
AsyncContext.dispatch(String path) Allows dispatching a different servlet in the same context AsyncContext.dispatch(ServletContext context, String path) Allows dispatching a different servlet relative to the context specified 11

12 Overview of Asynchronous API AsyncContext
AsyncContext.complete() Called by asynchronous handler Signals response has been generated Must be called to indicate to the container that async processing is done If dispatched to the container the container calls complete implicitly if no other async operation is started 12

13 Overview of Asynchronous API Timeout
AsyncContext.setTimeout(long timeout) Specifies the timout for the async operation AsyncListener’s onTimeout is notified of timeout if one is registered Default handling is an error dispatch with error code set to 500 13

14 Overview of Asynchronous API Timeout
Listener AsyncListener.onTimeout AsyncListener.onComplete AsyncListener.onStart AsyncListener.onError 14

15 Demo 15

16 Security Specifying constraints via annotations
Introduced annotations in Servlet 3.0 to define auth constraints and user data constraints via annotations @ServletSecurity @HttpConstraint @HttpMethodConstraint 16

17 Security Specifying constraints via annotations
@ServletSecurity used to define HttpConstraints that apply to all http methods or HttpMethodConstraints that applies to a specific HTTP method Method specific ones take precedence over the HttpConstraints 17

18 Security Specifying constraints via annotations
Security constraints in web.xml override annotations web-resource-collection enhanced with http-method- omission to Accommodate annotation precedence rules Sustain overrides Allow constraints to be specified on non-enumerable HTTP method subsets 18

19 Security Specifying constraints via annotations: Examples
@WebServlet(“/myurl1”) rolesAllowed={“staff”})) public class MyServlet1 extends HttpServlet { } @WebServlet(“/myurl2”) transportGuarantee=TransportGuarantee.CONFIDENTIAL)) public class MyServlet2 extends HttpServlet { } 19

20 Security Specifying constraints via annotations: Examples (cont’d)
@WebServlet(“/myurl3”) @ServletSecurity( httpMethodConstraints={ @HttpMethodConstraint(value=“POST”, rolesAllowed={“javaee”}), @HttpMethodConstraint(“GET”), @HttpMethodConstraint(value=“PUT”, emptyRoleSemantic=EmptyRoleSemanitc.DENY}) public class MyServlet3 extends HttpServlet { } 20

21 Security Specifying constraints via Programmatic API
javax.servlet.ServletSecurityElement javax.servlet.HttpConstraintElement javax.servlet.HttpMethodConstraintElement ServletRegistration.Dynamic.setServletSecurity(ServletS ecurityElement constraint) 21

22 Security Specifying constraints via Programmatic API: Example
public class MyListener implements ServletContextListener { public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) { ServletContext sc = sce.getServletContext(); ServletRegistration.Dynamic sr = sc.addServlet(...); ServletSecurityElement sse = new ...; sr.setServletSecurity(sse); } } 22

23 Security Programmatic login / logout
HttpServletRequest.login(String username, String password) Application supervises credential collection HttpServletRequest.authenticate(HttpServletResponse response) Application initiates container mediated authentication from a resource that is not covered by any authentication constraints Application decides when authentication must occur 23

24 Security Programmatic login / logout
Integration of additional container authentication modules via Servlet profile of JSR 196 recommended HttpServletRequest.logout() 24

25 Security Securing cookies (cont’d)
Two types Application generated cookies Session tracking cookies Two attributes Secure HttpOnly Two Java classes javax.servlet.http.Cookie javax.servlet.SessionCookieConfig 25

26 Security Securing cookies (cont’d)
<web-app> <session-config> <cookie-config> … <secure>true</secure> <http-only>true</http-only> <cookie-config> <session-config> </web-app> 26

27 Demo 27

28 Usecase 1 28

29 Shopping Cart Checkout
Performing async operations in non-container threads The checkout operation is expensive Create order, bill credit-card, persist order The request thread is blocked till all these operations complete Try offloading this operation to an Async Servlet Request thread is freed Response is handled when the checkout is complete Allows throttling request threads independent of processing threads 29

30 Checkout with Async EJB
Performing async operations in non-container threads EJB 3.1 introduces Async EJBs One way calls Future responses EJBs can now be packaged in wars EJB execution is scheduled by the container Interesting possibilities when combined with Async Servlets 30

31 Async Servlet, Async EJB Container Async Dispatch
Checkout – 3 Scenarios 1 2 3 Sync Servlet, Sync EJB Async Servlet, Sync EJB Async Servlet, Async EJB Servlet Async APIs provide a lot of flexibility AsyncContext can be accessed outside the scope of the Servlet Container With EJB-in-WAR, Moves the responsibility of dispatching tasks to the container Allows the throttling of web threads and the EJB threads Container Async Dispatch User Async Dispatch Request Servlet EJB Response

32 CheckOutServlet @WebServlet(urlPatterns={"/checkout"}, asyncSupported=true) public class CheckOutServlet extends HttpServlet { ... @EJB CheckOutBean checkoutBean; public void service(... request, ... response) throws ... { // validate request AsyncContext ctx = request.startAsync(); checkoutBean.processCheckout(ctx); // free the request thread - return } 32

33 CheckOutBean @Stateless
public class CheckOutBean { @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) @Asynchronous public void processAsync(AsyncContext ctx) { try { // process the checkout here ... ctx.dispatch(“/checkout-success”); } catch (Exception exception) { sessionContext.rollbackOnly(); ctx.dispatch(“/checkout-failed”); } 33

34 Accessing AsyncContext on user managed threads
Performing async operations in non-container threads Thread environment not setup Loading webapp classes and resources Propagating logged in state, security Accessing java:comp environment Exception handling Cleanup thread environment to prevent memory leaks Classloader Thread locals 34

35 When using Async API be aware of
Performing async operations in non-container threads Race conditions Timeouts Accessing AsyncContext out of request scope A response may have already been committed Some containers pool request & response objects User managed thread pools Memory leaks 35

36 Usecase 2 36

37 WebSockets(WS) with Async Servlets
WS implementation is possible with Async Servlets Requires exclusive access to underlying sockets Containers may not provide this capability Demonstrate the capability of Async Servlets The WS demo is a proof of concept Components Controller Servlet – to upgrade the connection to WS Selector – to listen to read events on the socket Listener – to process messages read from the WS 37

38 Demo 38

39 Servlet 3.0 is here today and is ready to be used
Conclusion Servlet 3.0 is here today and is ready to be used Can use it to build secure apps with performance and scalabality Foundation for pluggability in the Java EE platform 39

40 Visit the GlassFish Server booth at HHJ-017 (Hilton JavaOne Booth)
Resources Visit the WebLogic Server Booth at HHJ-008 (Hilton – JavaOne Booth) Visit the Java EE Booth at HHJ-016 (Hilton – JavaOne Booth) Visit the GlassFish Server booth at HHJ-017 (Hilton JavaOne Booth) 40

41 JavaOne and Oracle Develop Latin America 2010
December 7–9, 2010 41

42 JavaOne and Oracle Develop Beijing 2010
December 13–16, 2010 42

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