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Create visual vocabulary for the following term: IMPERIALISM Define Sentence Symbol Happy Monday!

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Presentation on theme: "Create visual vocabulary for the following term: IMPERIALISM Define Sentence Symbol Happy Monday!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Create visual vocabulary for the following term: IMPERIALISM Define Sentence Symbol
Happy Monday!

2 Unit 3 Day 1- America Builds an Empire Imperialism-
a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force When a more powerful country exerts influence or force on weaker, poorer countries Unit 3

3 American Imperialism Alfred Thayer Mahan Naval officer who believed in the theory of seapower-the strongest countries have the strongest navies Sea power necessary for trade/commerce

4 Alaska was purchased by the U.S. from Russia in 1867 for 7.2 million
(This equates to only $0.02/acre!) #DEAL American Imperialism

5 American Imperialism William Seward –Secretary of state from who negotiated the purchase of Alaska Seward’s Ice Box or Seward’s Folly – name that was mockingly given to the purchase of Alaska Many people felt that it was a waste of money, that Alaska was nothing but tundra

6 THEY WERE WRONG! Alaska has an abundance of natural resources Gold, coal, oil
American Imperialism

7 American Imperialism Hawaii – annexed in 1898 Why was Hawaii important? Economically – link between the U.S. and the Pacific Militarily – Great natural harbor for the navy

8 American Imperialism Queen Liliuokalani was thrown from power by the Committee of Safety, an all white group of Hawaiians. The U.S. sends a company of marines and the queen resigned. Hawaii was annexed by William McKinley in 1898

9 a type of journalism that presents little/no legitimate well-researched news
instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers Yellow Journalism

10 Your assignment!
It is 1899 and you are a writer for a major New York magazine. The Spanish American War has just ended. Your editor comes to your writing team and requests that you put together a special edition of the magazine solely related to the Spanish American War. The catch is that he wants you to report the WHOLE war-both sides, those for and against the war in America. As a team, you need to break into the following roles to create a magazine that people would want to read: Causes of War Battles Correspondent Opposition to the War Photography of the War Your assignment!

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