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Social Conflict Review

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1 Social Conflict Review
On a half sheet of paper, complete the following with your desk partner. One sheet of paper but both of you must be ready to share the information. What is genocide? Summarize in one sentence each of the following conflicts: The Holocaust The Cambodian Killing Fields Rwanda The Darfur Conflict

2 Ethnic and Political History in Africa
How did European Imperialism of Africa cause conflict in Africa?

3 Now let’s take a closer look at Africa


5 Ethnic groups in Nigeria
Think about… What language should government documents be in? What region gets the most representatives? What is the leader is from a small ethnic group?


7 So, how did this happen? How did the borders of African Countries get drawn this way…. without regard for the many ethnic groups?

8 Answer… European Imperialism
As the European continent began to industrialize and gain wealth… they realized that they needed to get natural resources from other places. Africa was closest… Instead of only trading with African countries, Europeans used military force and wealth to overtake the African groups and use their resources. (Asia and Australia also taken over at different times)

9 “The sun never sets on the British Empire”
This example of imperialism

10 How did Europeans divide Africa?
Basically, the wealthiest, most powerful countries in Europe received the best, most land in Africa. It all started at the Berlin Conference.

11 Welcome to the Berlin Conference 1884

12 Now think about it… How did the actions of European countries contribute to the social conflict that has occurred in Africa? European countries contributed to the social conflict in Africa by _____________________.

13 Let’s read about Imperialism
With your partner or table group, read “The Game of Imperialism” together. Make notations of the “negative” and “positive” aspects of Imperialism. (underline – negative / circle – positive or highlight/underline in different colors, etc.) At the bottom of the page, write 3 ways Imperialism affected Africa. All members of your group must be ready to share answers with the class.

14 Now let’s pretend we are members of the Berlin Conference by playing a game.
Groups of 4: Decide who is “Great Britain”, “Portugal”, “France” and “Germany.” You must roll a “4”, “5” or a “6” to win each territory. If no one rolls a 4, 5 or 6, the territory remains independent. If players roll the same number and they are high rollers, they are at WAR and they roll again to see who wins the territory. The numbers next to each territory are the points that territory is worth. Winner of each group wins an extra bathroom ticket.

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