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Write your metaphors on the butcher paper

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1 Write your metaphors on the butcher paper
1 WELCOME TO DAY THREE OF PROFICIENCY BASED ASSESSMENT AND GRADING! Write your metaphors on the butcher paper 8:00 Both Thursday, November 3, 2011

2 Survey and Metaphor Discussion
Formative Assessment - Blue Ticket 8:10 (20) Kim Patterns on the survey – Susan - Metaphor

3 The Four Dollar Discussion
Ch 9 Revising Feedback and Instruction Ch 10: Using Assessment to Motivate Students Groups of four Designate a banker Everyone must spend $4 Identify 1 key insight to share with the group 8:30 – 9:00 (5 min explain, 25 minute do) Susan To review participant homework of Ch 10 Using Assessment to Motivate Students Discussion Dollars: 1 passage 2-build on, 1-agree/disagree

4 Incorporating Differentiation
Think  Write  Share What ideas do you have for how you might address some of the different student needs that will emerge as you analyze your assessment data? 9:00– 9:20 Kim This would go after Ch 9 Write for 8 minutes, then have a 12 minute discussion Bring up differentiation Have them do a TPS . . .

5 Packet, pg. 20 9:20 – 9:50 (30) Kim What other assessments are you going to use in this unit. What other assessments have you used in the past. Think about the instructional tasks you’ve done in the past. (wk sheets, warm ups, packets, labs, group work, review packets ) and list them. which are formative, which are summative. Do you have a balance? Are there gaps or extras (tasks that don’t really connect to the standards)? Kim – you’ve created one assessment or are one your way to completing it, what other assessments will you use in this unit. Take a look at the unit you brought, analyze the instructional tasks and activities, what would be formative, what would be summative, how many opportunities – what needs to be updated, are there gaps? (ex –warm-ups, homework, Okay, now that you’ve looked at this, how do you record it? Would you enter this in the grade book, how would you count it? What might be recorded on paper, in eSIS, in one and not the other. Keep in mind that we have eSIS for one year more.

6 Break OR OR 9:50 – 10:00

7 Steps in the Grading Process
Summary of Sound Grading Practices Steps in the Grading Process Step 1: Start with a clear and appropriate set of achievement standards Step 2: Map an assessment plan to gather evidence periodically by standard Step 3: Develop or select assessments and use them as planned Step 4: Record information by standard as accumulated Step 5: Summarize results into one index or achievement Step 6: Convert that index into a grade 10:00 Kim 7

8 Page 3 of packet 10:00 TPS Explain graph, (remove the total scores) have individual teachers come up with grades for each student and give a justification /rationale of their own. Reflect – change grades? We poll the class – then have a whole group conversation. Student 1: 81, 65, 79, 70, 99, 37, 35, 25, 20 551 Student 2: 60, 79, 36, 78, 38, 77, 39, 70, 35 Student 3: 21, 30, 39, 58, 43, 49, 81, 93, 95 509 512

9 Gallery Walk!!! Your goal is to gather multiple ideas for setting up a standards based grade book Partner up (similar content area) and get one pen Rotate through the various examples Identify pros, cons, ideas, questions…record Look for a good fit for you and your content area Large group discussion 10:30 (1 hr) Kim Step #4: Selective attention – verbally discuss the Record information by standard as accumulated. Book – Part 3 Making Sense of Assessment Data. Gallery walk to see various models for setting up the grade book minutes waling min discussions . . . Content groups – summarize, what are you thinking? What might work? Questions? Record 30 minute for rotations – writing – discussing 30 minutes for a large group discussion Susan James would love to talk with the group and get input Would you like that, should we set it up for a future meeting

10 Lunch on Your Own Half hour lunch 11:45 – 12:15

11 Step 4: Record information by standards as accumulated – Practical Guidelines
Packet, pg. 21 Guidelines 1: Organize achievement records by content standard or learning target 2: Separate achievement information from information focused on other student characteristics 3: Keep records so that formative assessment information is differentiated from summative assessment information 12:15 (5) Kim. As were doing the next activity . . . Really look/think at these and about what you are doing now, does it match these sound grading practices, what would you like to change ? Here are some guidelines -

12 Step 4: Record information by standards as accumulated – Practical Guidelines
13 Guideline 4: Base achievement summary/grade on the extent of student mastery of pre-set achievement standards Guideline5: Use most recent evidence for each content standard/learning target in calculating achievement summary/grade Guideline 6: Ensure accuracy of achievement evidence

13 Four Corners – The FINAL Grade
You have a student that is proficient in all the standards – what do you think their final grade should be? 12:20 (30) Susan and Kim This ties into Guideline # Discuss your reasoning . . . Now, you’ve got your grade book with many assessments . . . Before you can move on, you need to figure this out . .. Also ask, what is the purpose of a D?

14 Four Corners – The FINAL Grade
15 Proficient = A Proficient = B Proficient = C Proficient = Other

15 Steps in the Grading Process
Summary of Sound Grading Practices Steps in the Grading Process Step 1: Start with a clear and appropriate set of achievement standards Step 2: Map an assessment plan to gather evidence periodically by standard Step 3: Develop or select assessments and use them as planned Step 4: Record information by standard as accumulated Step 5: Summarize results into one index or achievement Step 6: Convert that index into a grade 1:00 Susan 16 16

16 Approaches to Determining a Final Grade
Compensatory: relies on some type of averaging of scores on learning goals (weighted or unweighted). = 24/6 = 4 1:00 Susan

17 Approaches to Determining a Final Grade
2. Conjunctive Approach: One score does not “pull up” another. Overall grades are determined by score patterns across the standards. Grade Score Pattern A No topic score below 2.5 and the majority 3.0 or above B No topic score below 2.0 and the majority 2.5 or above C No topic score below 1.5 and the majority 2.0 or above D No topic score below1.0 and the majority 1.5 or above F Some topic score below1.0 or the majority above1.5 12:15 Susan

18 Approaches to Determining a Final Grade
3. The Percentage Approach: Convert scores to a % Scale Score Percentage Score 4.0 100 3.5 95 3.0 90 2.5 80 2.0 70 1.5 65 1.0 60 Below 1.0 50 12:20 Susan

19 Triangle Debate: Step 1: Divide into 4 groups + 1 observer
Group 1: Compensatory Approach (6=3 partners) Group 2: Conjunctive Approach (6) Group 3: Percentage Approach (6) Group 4: The Inquisitors (3) Step 2: Groups will plan their attack (see Triangle Debate Organizer) Work time . . . Step 3: Students will work with a partner to prepare their portion of the speeches. 1:15 This is not a formal debate - it is intended to facilitate whole-class discussion and critical thinking. They will argue their approach, pro’s – rationale, etc. . . Determine groups by cards . . .

20 1:25 (10) They partner up and has out their 3 components of their argument
Group 4 “The Inquisitors” will send 1 member to each of the other groups to act as a listener and bring back info To form their questions . . .

21 Triangle Debate Step 4: Work with your partner to prepare your portion of the speeches. Each partner group speaks for 2 minutes. The Inquisitors will comment for one minute on points made by the groups, and will prepare two insightful questions to ask the groups. Work time minutes Step 5: Meet again as a group, see how the arguments flow – refer back to organizer. Polish – practice – prepare to present in 5 minutes 1:35 – 1: 50 Quick and dirty Step 4: 10 minutes Step 5: 5 minutes

22 Presentations . . . 1: Debate – 45 minues

23 Chalk Talk In Closing: Word This is a silent activity
Everyone will get a pen Read the question and record your thoughts Read what people write, feel free to respond . . . You have 10 minutes In Closing: Word 2:45 (15) What did you learn about assessment, grading, and yourself as a teacher? Kim chalk talk Susan The last word – one word the encapsulates your experience or where you are now, how you’re feeling PSU – Evaluations – ask a participant to collect

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