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Energy Tranformations

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1 Energy Tranformations
How energy changes form…

2 Changes between kinetic and potential energy
The ball’s speed and height change as energy changes from one form to another Kinetic Energy to Potential Energy The ball has the most kinetic energy as it leaves your hand As it moves upward, it’s speed and kinetic energy decreasing but the potential energy is increasing At the highest point, the potential energy is the greatest, while the kinetic energy is the least.

3 Changes between kinetic and potential energy
Potential Energy to Kinetic Energy As the ball moves downward, potential energy decreases. Since the speed is increasing, the kinetic energy increases When the ball reaches the player again, it’s kinetic energy is at the maximum value again. Concepts in Motion Video

4 The law of Conservation of Energy
Energy can be transformed from one form into another or transferred from one region to another, but energy CANNOT be created or destroyed

5 Friction enters the picture
Friction is a force that resists the sliding of two surfaces that are touching. Mechanical energy is transformed into thermal energy when two surfaces rub against each other.

6 Using Energy - Energy usually changes from one form to another when you use it.
Thermal Energy: energy due to the motion of particles that make up an object Burning Fuel releases thermal energy that the engine changes to mechanical energy Electric energy changes to thermal energy

7 Using Energy Chemical Energy: energy that is stored in foods and fuels
Plants change the sun’s radiant energy into chemical energy Your body transforms chemical energy from food into kinetic energy you use to move.

8 Using Energy Radiant Energy: energy that is carried by electromagnetic waves When you speak into a cell phone, the phone transforms sound energy into electric energy and then into radiant energy Electric Energy: energy carried by an electric current Hair Dryers use electric energy from an electrical power plant Handheld video games transform chemical energy stored in batteries into electric energy

9 Waste Energy Thermal energy that cannot be used
Example: when a light bulb converts electric energy into radiant energy and some thermal energy, which makes the light bulb hot. This thermal energy moves into the air and can’t be used.

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