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Published byToby Anthony Modified over 6 years ago
IR Summary M. Sullivan SuperB General Meeting XII
Laboratorie d’Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules (LAPP) d’Annecy-le-Vieux, France March 16-19, 2010
IR Related Presentations
Polarimetry (K. Moffiet) Beam-Beam Depolarization (C. Rimbault) Beam-Beam Diffusion (C. Rimbault) IR Design Update (M. Sullivan) MDI Issues (M. Sullivan) Backgrounds (E. Paoloni) (earlier talk) Be Beam pipe Heating (S. Novokhatski) Vibration Issues (M. Masuzawa)
Spin and Beam-Beam Polarimetry (K. Moffiet)
Beam-Beam Depolarization (C. Rimbault) Beam-Beam Diffusion (C. Rimbault) IR Design Update (M. Sullivan) MDI Issues (M. Sullivan) Backgrounds (E. Paoloni) Be Beam pipe Heating (S. Novokhatski) Vibration Issues (M. Masuzawa)
Polarimetry Layout A little over 80m from the IP
Polarimetry Issues
Polarimetry Conclusions
Beam-Beam and Spin Two very nice talks showing work started at LAL investigating spin depolarization, spin diffusion and emittance growth from the collision Further code development is needed for spin depolarization General conclusions are that these effects are probably small at SuperB
Depolarization Spin Precession induced by the collective EM field of the oncoming beam, described by T-BMT equation (dominant effect at ILC): Where a= is the coeff of anomalous magnetic moment of electron Precession angle = ga x deflection angle Spin-Flip effect during synchrotron radiation: Sokolov-Ternov effect, tends to depolarize in linear collider. Probability for the spin to flip (s-s) at the moment of photon emission, proportional to the photon energy. Very small at SuperB Those 2 effects are implemented in GUINEA-PIG++ (GP++)
Beam-Beam diffusion Beam-beam diffusion caused by discrete-particle scatterings with coulomb scattering angle : (b=impact parameter) This can leads to: Reduction of beam life time (particle loss during collision) Emittance growth Spin diffusion Is it a problem for SuperB? should be studied because SuperB’s luminosity comes from colliding a small number of particles which are sharply focussed. The small number of colliding particles implies larger statistical effects. tests comparing kick angle from gaussian distribution charge (GUINEA-PIG++ simulation) and discrete point charges
Beam-Beam depolarization
Conclusions Beam-Beam depolarization Seems that depolarisation due to beam-beam effect very low. (See also BBdiffusion talk tomorrow) But need more accurate simulations: Improve GP++ and combine with spin tracking code (ZGOUBI) - Add Crab waist - Add longitudinal field - Check propagation direction - Interface between I/O files of the 2 codes is under development with N. Monseu Find alternative way to use GP++ as it is : (Center of mass frame studies + boost) ? Use larger number of macro-particles Beam-Beam diffusion Nice accordance between theory and simulation Beam life time due to beam-beam diffusion = 292mn Emittance diffusion time = 14s Spin diffusion time = 1.4 h Small effects, should not be a problem for SuperB Need to be confirmed by other theories and more simulations
IR Design Polarimetry (K. Moffiet)
Beam-Beam Depolarization (C. Rimbault) Beam-Beam Diffusion (C. Rimbault) IR Design Update (M. Sullivan) MDI Issues (M. Sullivan) Backgrounds (E. Paoloni) (earlier talk) Be Beam pipe Heating (S. Novokhatski) Vibration Issues (M. Masuzawa)
IR Design Topics IR update PM update Panofsky Style QD0 and QF1
White paper baseline PM update Panofsky Style QD0 and QF1 Solenoid Compensation IR Interface Thin Be beam pipe Rapid access to Central Region Flanges and bellows White paper status Summary and Conclusions
Baseline IR Design Stable since October
Machine Parameters
New Machine Parameters
General IR Design Features
Crossing angle is +/- 33 mrads Cryostat has a complete warm bore Both QD0 and QF1 are super-conducting PM in front of QD0 Soft upstream bend magnets Further reduces SR power in IP area BSC to 30 sigmas in X and 100 sigmas in Y (7 sigmas fully coupled)
SR backgrounds No photons strike the physics window
We trace the beam out to 20 X and 45 Y The physics window is defined as +/-4 cm for a 1 cm radius beam pipe Photons from particles at high beam sigmas presently strike within 5-6 cm downstream of the IP However, highest rate on the detector beam pipe comes from a little farther away Unlike PEP-II, the SuperB design is sensitive to the transverse beam tail distribution
Beam Tail Distribution
These tail distributions are more conservative than those used for PEP-II. The SuperB beam lifetime is shorter by about a factor of 10 so the tail distributions can be higher. But we will probably collimate at lower beam sigmas than shown here.
Estimate of the photon rate incident on the detector beam pipe
LER HER 0.24 0.07 10 13 111 13 8 9 968 105 Backscattering SA and absorption rate (3% reflected)
Solenoid compensation
We have recently found out from our colleagues at KEK that we must pay much more attention to the fringe field of the detector solenoid The radial part of the field causes emittance growth This also means that we want to minimize the fringing fields of the compensating solenoids We will need to revisit our compensation schemes and look at ways of minimizing the fringing fields as well as the total integral
To do list SR Revisit solenoid compensation
A more thorough study of surfaces and photon rates Check dipole SR (for white paper) More detailed backscatter and forward scatter calculations from nearby surfaces and from the septum Photon rate for beam pipe penetration (for white paper) Revisit solenoid compensation
How do we change the beam energies?
For the baseline QD0 and QF1 magnets we need to keep the ratio of the magnetic field strengths constant in order to maintain good field quality We want the * values to remain constant to maintain luminosity We need to match the lattice functions to the rest of the ring No changes to the permanent magnets Solutions found for all Upsilon resonances
Resonance Upsilon 4S Upsilon 3S Upsilon 2S Upsilon 1S Ecm (GeV) 9.4609 HER E (GeV) 6.694 6.553 6.343 5.988 QD0 (T/cm) QF1 (T/cm) LER 4.18 4.091 3.96 3.737 QD0 ratio QF1 ratio Boost ()
Energy Changes The 2S and the 3S LER energies would have very little polarization It should be straightforward to develop a procedure to perform an energy scan To go to the Tau-charm region (Ecm ~4 GeV) we will need to remove most if not all of the permanent magnets With the air-core super quads we would need to approximately preserve the energy asymmetry We should be able to change the boost by using the PMs to change the actual beam energies
Super-ferric QD0 and QF1
Super-ferric QD0 Constraints Might be able to relax these a little
Vobly had a 2 T limit but we need 10% headroom for any above 4S energy scan Constraints Maximum field of no more than 1.8 T at the pole tips (we assume this is the same as the half width – should probably lower this limit another 10%-20% because the pole tip is on the diagonal) Equal magnetic field strengths in each twin quad Square apertures Might be able to relax these a little If we have room between the windings to add Fe then we can have some magnetic field difference Might be able to make the apertures taller than they are wide – means the windings get more difficult For now assume constraints are there and then see what we can do
Permanent Magnets Upon embarking on the task of looking at the Super-Ferric design we realized we could significantly improve the IR design by re-optimizing the permanent magnet part of the design Give up some vertical aperture in order to go back to circular magnet designs (~1.4 stronger field) Open up the crossing angle 10% to get more space for permanent magnet material (60 66 mrad) Add a couple of permanent magnet slices in front of the septum (shared magnets but close to the IP and hence minimal beam bending)
Permanent Magnets (2) Moved some of the slices previously used on the HER to the LER in order to get more vertical focusing to the LER We now have more equal vertical beta maximums The beam pipe inside the magnets is 1 mm smaller in radius 6 mm from 7 mm The magnetic slices are now only 1 cm long and are perpendicular to the beam line instead of the detector axis Better packing and better magnetic field performance for each beam
Vanadium Permendur Design
We use the above redesigned permanent magnet slices The twin quad QD0 face is 55 cm from the IP. If we move in closer the field strength gets too high. In addition, we lose space for the stronger PM slices We start by setting the LER side of QD0 and QF1 We impose the beta function match requirements for the LER (* and the match point at m) and we also try to get the maximum field close to 1.8 T We keep the L* value constant but are allowed to change the separation and the lengths of QD0 and QF1 These set the QD0 and QF1 strengths for the HER We then add HER only quads behind QD0 and QF1 to finish the final focusing for the HER
Vanadium Permendur Design
Latest New Idea We have discovered there are several rare earth metals that have very high magnetization curves Holmium Dysprosium Gadolinium Holmium has the highest magnetic moment of any element and is reputed to have a magnetization curve up to 4 T (Vanadium Permendur is about 2.4 T) Curie temperatures Ho is 20 K Dy is 85 K Ga is 289 K
Some properties of these metals*
Den. Young’s Shear Bulk Possion Vickers Brinell Cost Elem. g/cc Mod. Mod. Mod. Ratio Hard. Hard. $/kg Ho Dy Ga <120 Fe (scrap) Pb Sn Cu Ni Al Au ,000 Zn Ag *Wikipedia, and VWR Sargent Welch These elements appear to be somewhere between Tin and Aluminum in hardness and strength with a density of Ni or Cu
Holmium Design
Beta function comparison with V12 baseline
V12 VP Ho LER x max HER x max LER y max HER y max Maximum betas are lower in almost all cases
A List of Topics at the Interface
Physics Beampipe Inside radius is 10 mm As thin a Be wall as possible but water cooled Assembly and removal (Flanges and bellows) Shared permanent magnets Beampipe heating (coming next) 300 mrad angle of acceptance Cryostat may end up close to that boundary Cryostat supports W shielding
Flange Drawing
Central Chamber
Scaled Picture
Supports and Shielding
Cryostat supports and rapid access The cryostats must be rigidly supported We also want rapid access to the SVT and PMs Working toward an access time of a couple of days Drift chamber needs significant shielding Who is supporting all of this weight?
Rapid Access Scenario Standard Plan View
Side view
Doors opened
Cryostats and SVT slid out of the detector
We need to do more work to study the details, but the general concept looks OK. Vibrations may be an issue
Heating and Vibrations
Polarimetry (K. Moffiet) Beam-Beam Depolarization (C. Rimbault) Beam-Beam Diffusion (C. Rimbault) IR Design Update (M. Sullivan) MDI Issues (M. Sullivan) Backgrounds (E. Paoloni) (earlier talk) Be Beam pipe Heating (S. Novokhatski) Vibration Issues (M. Masuzawa)
Be beam pipe heating
Heating summary RF field penetration is reasonably small
We have about 25 cm of beam pipe and two beams so total is about 100 W at full beam current
Vibrations at KEK M. Masuzawa had a very nice and detailed presentation on vibration measurements at KEK I will only show some of the neat stuff They can see ocean wave frequencies as well a 1.0 earthquakes
~3Hz : characteristic frequency of the soil
called “Kanto loam” around KEK. Induced by human activities, mainly vertical Vibration.Day & night effects and weekend effects have been observed. 0.2~0.3 Hz: Ocean waves & wind. Depends on the weather, mainly in horizontal vibration.
An example of earthquake (tiny one) during physics run
A good collision condition maintained by “iBump” system was lost, resulted in a beam loss (not beam abort). Luminosity Local orbital FB system, max. 1Hz V beam-beam kick KEK SuperKEKB will be much more sensitive. “1” in Japanese seismic intensity scale. Tiny earth quake.
Vibration Summary KEKB tunnel at the IP vibrates at
QC1RE QCS-boat Movable table KEKB tunnel floor Belle-stand B4 floor KEKB tunnel at the IP vibrates at ~ 0.3 Hz in the horizontal direction (micro-seismic) ~3 Hz in the vertical direction & horizontal direction (resonance of the “Kanto loam” soil around KEK) In addition, magnets, QCS boat and the table vibrate at ~ 8Hz.
Vibration Summary ( 2009 data)
Summary table by H.Yamaoka The vibration amplitude of the IR magnets are much smaller than the size of the colliding beams (~2mm vertically & ~100mm horizontally) for KEKB but comparable for SuperKEKB.
Summary The general Interaction Region design has held steady
The baseline design can run on all of the Upsilon resonances and perform an energy scan (and, of course, run off resonance) without any change in hardware We have re-optimized the permanent magnet part of the IR and have significantly improved the IR design. Further optimization looks possible. We have a different way of making QD0 and QF1. QD0 has always been one of the most challenging aspects of the IR design. The new design looks quite promising.
Summary (2) Rapid access schemes are being investigated and are looking conceptually feasible. This would also be the way you initially assemble things. Vibration control may be an issue. Magnetic field compensation schemes are going to have to be revisited. Solutions will have to be simpler. We have a very well developed proposal for a polarimeter Beam pipe heating in the Be chamber has been calculated. We will need to water cool the pipe.
Conclusions The IR section for the white paper is about 70% complete
The permanent magnet re-optimization has improved the overall IR design The new magnet design for QD0 and QF1 greatly improves the flexibility of the IR design (we are even considering a normal quad solution) As always, there is more to do, but the IR design is looking more and more feasible and able to deliver the luminosity of this SuperB accelerator
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