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Long Range Interactions beyond first neighbour

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1 Long Range Interactions beyond first neighbour
Intermolecular forces organizing complex fluids …Laboratory experiments for challenging predictive theories. 2. The equation state of colloids: Jean Perrin‘s living heritage

2 Jean Perrin (1870-1942) Nobel prize 1926
"for his work on the discontinuous structure of matter, and especially for his discovery of sedimentation equilibrium".

3 van’t Hoff Raoult equivalence
Independant of the « size » of the dissolved « molecules »: till...?

4 The practical scales of osmotic pressure
They are expressed in diferent units depending on the different specialities using colloidal samples ! J. Wolfe, and G. Bryant (1984)

5 Controlled humidity, membrane or capillary rise
H.R. = P/P0 = asolvant  = P-P’ = s.g.h … or analytical tonometry or … industrial devices such as « DVS »

6 … back to the van der Waals equation of state
And adding gravity ! Expecting a « colloidal atmosphere »: 6 km to micrometer scale jump ! Jean Perrin Nobel prize work « Les atomes »

7 Is this possible with « macroscopic atoms »?
Sedimenation equilibrium of emulsions Compares kinetic energy during Brownan motion in the absence of any convection To known gravitational energy Jean Perrin Nobel price work (1908)

8 The air and the colloid « atmosphere » :
Column of air equation : Column of colloids equation Jean Perrin « Les atomes »

9 How to produce « macroscopic atoms »?
From cascade fractionated crystallisation (initial method) (or later Zsigismondy using monodisperse gold colloids) Jean Perrin « Les atomes »

10 Measurement of radius and density of colloids:
Three methods for sizing : Measure in projection after adsorption (HCl 0.01M) Weight after weak adsorbtion Stokes law on « falling cloud » constant friction 6 p e a v = V(D-d) g Three methods for particle density determination : Picnometry : fill the same container/evaporate melt and determine density of melt add KBr till matching centrifuge Results: radius = 0.37 micrometre and D= 1.195 Jean Perrin « Les atomes »

11 Observing macroscopic atoms sedimentation ?
Text here Jean Perrin « Les atomes »

12 Observing macroscopic atoms sedimentation ?
Moving the objective Large aperture Inserting an iris Statistics with time… Produces the result : Jean Perrin « Les atomes »

13 Observing macroscopic atoms sedimentation ?
Moving the objective Large aperture Inserting an iris Statistics with time… Produces the raw data : Jean Perrin « Les atomes »

14 The colloid atmosphere above layered dense packing
Deviations are important ! Why ? N. Johnston and L G Howell : sedimentation equilibria of colloidal particles (1930)

15 What happens with charged (Br-st) latex ?
Gravity negligible: No sedimentation Strong repulsion : distance between colloids can be accessed via USAXS in liquid phase or SLS colloidal crystal V. Reus, TH.Z and H. Versmold ( )

16 Method for estabishing EOS
Combining USAXS and membrane osmosis references

17 Experimental results fits fully to Posson-Boltzmann?
The osmotic pressure gives the number of »effective » charges, i.e. the number of counter-ions per latex in each Voronoi cell (titrable stuctural charge : 12000) V? Resu, ThZ and H. Versmold Equation of staet of charged latex suspensions( )

18 What happens when multi-charged co-ions are added ?
A drastic reduction of the osmotic pressure !  V. Reus et al.: Fusion of colloidal crystals induced by monovalent and asymmetric salt: an osmotic pressure and USAXS (1999)

19 What happens when salt is added in the reservoir?
A R eeductionof the osmotic pressure sicne screening length << interlatex distance  V. Reus et al.: Fusion of colloidal crystals induced by monovalent and asymmetric salt: an osmotic pressure and USAXS (1999)

20 What happens when multi-charged co-ions are added ?
A drastic reduction of the osmotic pressure !  V. Reus et al.: Fusion of colloidal crystals induced by monovalent and asymmetric salt: an osmotic pressure and USAXS (1999)

21 General result of EOS determination of charged monodisperse bromosturence latex :
Mechanism: salt depletion from colloidal crystals is due to co-ion depletion and can reduce the stability (osmotic pressure) of a colloidal crystal even below micromolar concetration? Corrolario: Suspected Long range attractive elctrostatic potentials are an artefact due to slow relase of not cross-linked poly-ions

22 What we have learnt : Measuring EOS is a way to test intensity and decay length of any type colloidal interaction As well as its dependance to chemical enviropnnment ( T, pH, solutes… even surfactants F. Evans and H. Wennerström : The colloidal domain:

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