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Under Test End Dates 1st February 2011.

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1 Under Test End Dates 1st February 2011

2 Context Business Process for a Generator Unit Under Test
Involves communication between TSOs and SEMO Mod 33_10 provided for clear set of steps for and the timings involved in a Generator Unit being granted Under Test status Issue is with cancellation of test dates Flexibility of unit to declare available following an outage Mod 65_08 delivers the flexibility

3 Options TSO and SEMO have reviewed this request for increased flexibility: Reduce 2 WD notice for change to 1 WD Incorporate in Validation of TOD process Move to calendar day process for approval Deliver Mod 65_08(V2) as this allows testing to be cancelled via EDIL

4 Feasibility of Options
Move to 1 WD Business Process SEMO and SOs can deliver as business process change. Generator must inform TSO in advance due to the tight timelines for approval to SEMO. Include in VTOD Not favoured by Participants. Involves a system change so not viable. Move to Calendar Day Process Not possible at present. Preference for delivery of Mod 65_08 v2 as it provides maximum flexibility to generators. Cancel Test Instructions via EDIL (Mod 65_08 v2) Preference by TSOs since it removes manual / business process and allows generator to re-declare availability through EDIL and for TSO to remove test instruction

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