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Use of Technology for field data capture and compilation

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1 Use of Technology for field data capture and compilation
Regional Workshop for Monitoring the SDGs related to the Food and Agriculture Sector and on the WCA 2020 Nadi, Fiji 6-10 November 2017 Use of Technology for field data capture and compilation Technical session 17b Jairo Castano Senior Statistician Leader, Agricultural Census and Survey Team FAO Statistics Division

2 Overview Overview of CAPI: description, advantages, disadvantages, products on the market Overview of Survey Solutions features Country examples: Estonia and Latvia

3 Examples of use of technology in the census
Remote sensing (RS) and aerial/ortho-photos: RS and aerial photos can be used for (i) cartography and frame building, (ii) supporting field work, (iii) crop estimation. Handheld GPS devices: supports field activities such as geo-referencing plots, holding location, or measuring plot areas. Mobile data collection: Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) using smartphones, tablets). Remote data collection: Use of telephone and computers, such as Computer assisted telephone interview (CATI) and internet such as Computer assisted Self Interview (CASI or CAWI). Online dissemination of results: web pages, social media and other electronic methods. Infographics and thematic GIS maps enhance readability and comprehensibility of census results. Anonymization of micro-data: protocols, methods and tools available for safe microdata access. New opportunities for census dissemination. Archiving: electronic preservation of census data.

4 What is CAPI? Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) software allows recording responses on a computer or tablet instead of paper.

5 What are the advantages of CAPI?
Easier Survey Management Reduced variables costs (No transport costs, no storage costs, no printing costs, no data-entry costs) Reduced time from data collection to analysis and reporting Higher quality data (Enforced skip patterns, validation conditions, look-up tables)

6 What are the advantages of CAPI?
Novel question types Geo reference, photos, barcodes scanning (for national IDs) Closer field monitoring Export paradata for monitoring activities during interviews (e.g. start & end time) Almost real time export of microdata Easier to implement changes to questionnaire No need to send questionnaires back and forth to field

7 What are disadvantages of CAPI?
High fixed cost Can be reduced by sharing use with other surveys Requires more preparation time - programming and testing questionnaire, procurement Time savings on back-end from no data entry compensates Many times requires connectivity Risks can be reduced by using 2 sim cards, back-up paper questionnaires, etc. Others: vulnerability to weather, batteries and access to power for charging

8 CAPI Products Census and Survey Processing System (CSPro) Developed by the US census bureau and funded primarily by USAID. Widely used, but lacks survey management tools and requires programming knowledge. FREE + programming costs Open Data Kit (ODK): Core developers at UoW – Dpt. Of Computer Science. Open-sourced, funded partially through donations of users. FREE+ programming costs My Survey Solutions: Development supported by the Worl Bank GS, and first version released in Closed source, but integrates data management tools, and requires little to no knowledge of programming. FREE

9 FAO and Survey Solutions
Global Strategy has implemented small sample surveys in Tanzania, Indonesia, and Jamaica World Bank in partnership w/ NSOs have implemented surveys reaching 200K respondents in Malawi, 400K in Uganda, and 2.7 million in South Africa.

10 Survey Solutions Features
User friendly survey management system built right into the software. Survey designer that requires no programming skills Cloud based data storage and transfer Geo references questions (holding location) Can accommodate any type of question User-friendly Android application for data entry

11 Survey Solutions Features (cont’d)
Documentation on every part of the system available E-learning course available online (13 modules) Data export available in SPSS and STATA formats. DDI compliant metadata automatically generated. Automatic paradata tabulation for field monitoring *DDI: Data Documentation Initiative, an int’l standard for describing statistical data

12 Country Experience Australia - Agricultural Census 2010/2011
For the Agricultural Census 2010/2011, Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS) used CASI. The agricultural business were contacted by ABS by the postal service (mail) which included a paper form that they could complete and return to ABS, as well as details that enabled an alternate mode of response to be provided (for the first time for an Agricultural Census) via an electronic form. The majority of business responded by mail (88%) Interviewer entered the data in the field at the time of the interview using CAPI software programs, installed on small notebook computer with ten-inch screens and long life batteries. The computers performed well, and proved easy to transport, use and recharge despite some difficult conditions; A 3G modem connected to the computers was used by the field supervisors to transfer the data files to the central processing operation at the INE HQ. The HQ operation group received the data as an attachment. In places where the technology 3G was available the process went very well, however, where there was no 3G service, the data transmission had to be delayed until the interviewers re-entered the service area.

Country experiences on use of CAPI, CATI, CASI and GPS technologies in census Country name Year of census CAPI/GPS/PDA/CATI/CASI Estonia 2010 CAPI, CASI France CAPI Latvia CAPI, CATI,CASI, Malta Poland CAPI, CATI,CASI Slovenia CAPI, CATI Lithuania CASI Netherlands Iceland Austria Finland Sweden CASI, CATI Mozambique 2009/2010 CAPI, GPS Venezuela 2008 Argentina Colombia 2014 Brazil 2006 Mexico 2007 Canada 2011 Uruguay GPS USA 2012 Australia Jordan Thailand 2013 Iran Namibia 2015 Countries are increasingly using IT technology in agricultural censuses for: data collection (CAPI, CASI, CATI); identification of location for field operation of enumerators (GPS); online monitoring of the progress in field operations in real time.

14 Thank You

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