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Spore Shedding Vascular Plants

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1 Spore Shedding Vascular Plants
By D.G.JOSHI For B.Sc 3rd semester

2 Huperzia a forest wetlands dwelling lycophyte
These plants are the diploid sporophyte

3 Huperzia lucidula a wetlands-dwelling lycophyte

4 Huperzia root cross-section
epidermis cortex protoxylem xylem metaxylem phloem amphiphloic plectostele exarch

5 Protosteles: haplosteles actinostele plectostele Siphonosteles:
cortex phloem xylem Siphonosteles: siphonostele solenostele dictyostele cortex phloem xylem pith leaf gap leaf trace eustele atactostele dicot stem monocot stem

6 last year’s sporophylls
microphyll stem sporophyll sporangium spores gemma last year’s sporophylls

7 Huperzia root cross-section with branch root cross sections

8 Huperzia microphyll cross section
mesophyll cutinized epidermis vascular bundle stoma

9 Lycopodium obscurum a forest-dwelling lycophyte
The sporophylls are organized into a terminal strobilus.

10 Lycopodium obscurum sporophytes demonstrate dichotomous branching.
Microphylls are spirally arranged with some flattening of the branch system. Lycopodium obscurum strobili are not interrupted by microphylls. Sporophylls are not photo-synthetic.

11 Strobilus Longisection
sporophyll sterile jacket spores (1N) sporangium stalk All the spores are the same small size, so Lycopodium is homosporous. The spores are shed into the wind.

12 Lycopodium gametophytes may be photosynthetic

13 The sperm is flagellated and chemotactic

14 Diphasiastrum complanatum a forest-dwelling lycophyte

15 Lycopodiella alopecuroides a grassland dwelling lycophyte

16 Lycopodium innundatum a bog-dwelling lycophyte

17 Rhynia was a Psilotum-like swamp dwelling organism living with
Protolepidodendron, the herbaceous ancestor of woody Lepidodendron in swamps during the Devonian period.

18 Lepidodendron was a large lycophyte tree living in marshes
Lepidodendron was a large lycophyte tree living in marshes. Dead plants and spores built up in the peat of the marshes, were later overrun with sediments, and by heat and pressure were converted to coal.

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