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Headings – Arial Rounded MT Bold – min font size 16

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Presentation on theme: "Headings – Arial Rounded MT Bold – min font size 16"— Presentation transcript:

1 Headings – Arial Rounded MT Bold – min font size 16
Body – Arial Unicode MS – min font size 12 Update project image

2 Location: Street, city, postcode. Primary Energy: (kWh/m2/a)
Heating Demand: Air Changes/Hr: Heating Load: (W/m2) Construction: Timber frame/ masonry Construction completion: mm/yyyy Occupied since: mm/yyyy Certification Date: mm/yyyy TFA: (m2) Gross External Area: m2 TEAM CREDITS: TFA: m2 Client/ Developer: Architect: PH Consultant: Contractor: Certifier: Other Consultants: Form Factor Ratio: * Total construction costs (omitting land purchase and landscaping) divided by the footprint of the building including external walls. Please refer to the standardised cost template for further guidance. Please advise us if your calculation differs to this. Construction cost: £/ m2 Heat Source(s):

3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Any other claims/ environmental standards.

4 Concepts, design intent, approach to brief, inspiration & aspirations.
Site plan with north clearly identified. Identify site constraints and opportunities Site Plan

5 Plans Plans, sections, elevations
External images that highlight response to local vernacular & context, appropriate use and integration into streetscape, artistic expression, material honesty Internal images/drawings that highlight Indoor environment, Effective spatial planning, Evidence of daylighting strategy, Evidence of shading strategy Image/ drawing caption

6 Key sections & elevations
Image caption Image/ drawing caption

7 Internal & external images
Image caption External images that highlight response to local vernacular & context, appropriate use and integration into streetscape, artistic expression, material honesty Internal images/drawings that highlight Indoor environment, Effective spatial planning, Evidence of daylighting strategy, Evidence of shading strategy Image/ drawing caption

8 Summer comfort strategy: Innovative/ simplified approach to:
Ventilation Shading Glazing No. Occupants: % Overheating/year: Summer comfort and ventilation strategy. Design approach, simplifications, window ventilation innovations, shading strategy, use of summer bypass. How was noise and security addressed for night ventilation? PHPP % of the year estimated overheating, Glazing as % of TFA Further guidance and metrics can be found in the document Design for Summer comfort in the UK.

9 Additional Images

10 Monitored data graphs/ charts
Evidence/ analysis of performance in the summer and winter: Ideally monitored internal environment data; temperature, RH% & CO2. As a minimum anecdotal evidence from occupants’ feedback (recordings/ POE survey/quote.) If available, comparison of predicted energy demand (kWh/m2 TFA) to actual use, by fuel source. Evidence/ analysis of performance in the summer and winter: Ideally monitored internal environment data; temperature, RH% & CO2. As a minimum anecdotal evidence from occupants’ feedback (recordings/ POE survey/quote.)

11 Key Construction Innovations
Was it a specialised or standard fabric/system. Simple detailing or radical solutions? Details of innovative implementation, for example, the steps that were taken to achieve budget constraints or simplify build-ability/ replicability or ease of use. Was it a specialised or standard fabric/system. Simple detailing or radical solutions?

12 Additional Images

13 What would you do differently?
What was special about this building? (Materials, tight budget, challenging site, design evolution, deliberately standard, self-build, social impact etc). What would you do differently? What was special about this building? (Materials, tight budget, challenging site, design evolution, deliberately standard, self-build etc). What would you do differently?

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