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Barbara Sears, Director Ohio Department of Medicaid November 8, 2017

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1 Barbara Sears, Director Ohio Department of Medicaid November 8, 2017
National Association of Medicaid Directors: Strategies to Address the Ongoing Opioid Crisis Barbara Sears, Director Ohio Department of Medicaid November 8, 2017

2 Governor’s Cabinet Opiate Action Team (GCOAT)
GCOAT is a partnership comprised of several state agencies working together to combat opiate abuse by taking action related to each of their respective areas of influence. Accomplishments: Prevented youth drug use before it starts through the Governor’s Start Talking! Initiative Shut down illegal pill mills Extend access to treatment through Medicaid Made it more difficult to traffic drugs Establish prescriber guidelines and limits

3 Governor’s Cabinet Opiate Action Team (GCOAT) Performance Dashboards

4 Ohio State Highway Patrol Drug Arrests

5 Progressive Opioid Prescribing Guidelines for a Safer Ohio

6 Usage vs Doctor Shopping
*Doctor shopper defined as an individual going to 5 prescribers and 5 pharmacies in 1 month.

7 Medicaid Pre-Release Enrollment Program
Began in 2014 to provide access to health services, improve health outcomes, and reduce recidivism for former Ohio inmates Assists offenders with behavioral health issues as they transition to the community Over 18,000 individuals transitioning from prison to the community have been enrolled in a Medicaid managed care plan and are able to access health care services immediately upon release Over 200 peer educators have been trained over the course of the program to promote the importance of health care and coverage to the inmate population Approximately 3,400 individuals have received transition assistance from a care manager

8 Comprehensive Effort from the State of Ohio
Ohio’s 2016 state budget invested nearly $1 billion across 11 departments to reduce drug abuse and overdose deaths: Medicaid Drug Addiction/Behavioral Services $ 650,200,000 Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services $ 88,768,265 Programs in Ohio’s Prisons $ 31,411,160 Department of Public Safety $ 11,069,452 Medical Board $ 5,257,526 Pharmacy Board $ 4,232,963 Bureau of Workers’ Compensation $ 2,900,000 Department of Youth Services $ 2,827,469 Department of Health $ 262,025 Department of Job and Family Services $ 138,238,777 Adjutant General $ 4,068,190 GRAND TOTAL $ 939,235,827 *Does not include Ohio Highway Patrol, Attorney General or Ohio Supreme Court funding.

9 Expanded Services and Coverage
Addiction Treatment, Community Mental Health Services, Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment, Behavioral Health Counseling and Therapy, Mental Health Assessment Services, Crisis Intervention, Pharmacologic Management Services, and Coverage of Naloxone for Emergency Services $279 million Group VIII spending for Ohioans with battling drug addiction/behavioral health issues. As of August 2017, more than 633,000 Ohioans with behavioral health needs have been able to access services through expanded Medicaid coverage.

10 Additional Resources

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