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Assessing the Livelihoods Options in the Post conflict Nepal

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1 Assessing the Livelihoods Options in the Post conflict Nepal
Bishnu Raj Upreti, PhD, Director, Sony KC, Researcher Nepal Centre for Contemporary Research, (NCCR)

2 Overview Rationale Research context Findings Discussion

3 Rationale Livelihoods sector in Nepal gained enormous attention after the conflict Government, national and international organisations support However, evidences show: Lack of proper interventions and targeting Lack of commitment towards sustainability (5 capitals) Many options but limited reach Research objective: To explore the various livellihoods options provided to Nepalese and understand the issues of sustainibilty

4 Research Context Where: Rolpa, Bardiya and Ilam districts in Nepal
N=3174 households, 15,823 household members Average Household size: 5.0 47.4% Janjatis/ indigenous groups, 33.2% Brahmins/Chhetris, 7.8% Dalits, 6.4% Madhesi 81.4% Hindu, 7.9% Kirats, and 5% Buddhist 76.6% literacy rate 43 % of the total respondents have been living in the village since their birth 57 % migrated respondents 94.8%, Rolpa, 85.9% Ilam, 63.8% Bardiya engaged in cultivation, livestock and fishery for livelihood 82.0% rural HH 73.2% urban HH engaged in cultivations, livestock and fishery than urban households

5 Livelihoods options Recipients of Livelihoods Support in the Past one year = less than 10% Livelihood service No Yes Total Count Percent seeds and tools distribution 2956 93.1 218 6.9 3174 seed money for revolving fund (saving and credit) 3133 98.7 41 1.3 extension 3124 98.5 49 1.5 3173 fertiliser voucher 3129 98.6 45 1.4 Goats and pigs for income generation 3011 94.9 163 5.1 Skill enhancement Trainings 3024 95.3 150 4.7 Micro-finance credit system management 3149 99.2 25 0.8 Teaching women about mobilisation of funds in their areas 3140 99.0 33 1.0 Marketing information 3158 99.5 16 0.5 Exposure visit 3146 99.1 28 0.9 Farmers Field School 3154 99.4 20 0.6 Source: Field 2012

6 Seeds and tools distribution
Which household member received the most support? Frequency Percent Household Head 74 33.9 Women 126 57.8 Men 14 6.4 Boys 2 0.9 Girls 1 0.5 Other (Specify) Total 218 100.0 Source: Field 2012

7 Knowledge of the service provider
Who provides the services/transfer? Frequency Percent Government 60 27.5 National/NGO 121 55.5 International NGO 21 9.6 UN organisation or donor 2 0.9 Religious institution Don’t know 12 5.5 Total 218 100 Source: Field 2012

8 Overall Picture livelihoods support is very low
issue of sustainability is a question country’s context looks vulnerable despite having various types of support option targeted towards specific groups excludes the other groups that are poor Rolpa seems to have grabbed more attention in receiving livelihoods support after the conflict if compared to Bardiya and Ilam majority of Dalits are aware of the livelihoods activities and receiving some form of support – most livelihoods supports targets these groups

9 Constraints – further findings
supply side- there are institutions that do not want to reach the remotest areas with their programs due to logistic/geographical complications – eg in Rolpa issue of sustainability- not seriously taken into account– one capital vs the other (SLF) problems with targeting (major one!) designs and distributions short term still – projects phase out

10 From the people… I received some loan money from the poverty alleviation fund to buy chicken. I had around 50 chicken and they all died of disease. I did not know how to save them. (Female, Chhetri ethnicity, Rolpa) “We receive seeds and support but sometimes they just don’t come out to be good. The main problem we have is irrigation as well. There is no water here and it is difficult to spray water in the vegetables.”(Male, Farmer, Dalit, Rolpa)

11 Contd.. “I have not received anything and neither my neighbors have. If they had I would have known. Nobody comes to this area and nobody cares about our lives” (Female, Tharu, Bardiya) I work for the public sector and I do not know of any organisations that have actually committed to providing support. They come, do their work and go and they don’t leave a good trace in the lives of people. If they did leave good marks, the outcomes would have been good.” (Male, Bardiya, Madhesi)

12 Discussion Source:


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