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Geant4 REMSIM application

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1 Geant4 REMSIM application
Moon habitat Geant4 REMSIM application Susanna Guatelli, INFN Genova, Geant4 Workshop, 4th October 2004, Catania Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

2 Vision The project is defined in the context of AURORA - the European programme for the robotic and human exploration of the Solar System, with Mars, the Moon and the asteroids as the most likely targets The radiation hazard to crew is critical to the feasibility of interplanetary manned missions To protect crew shielding must be designed, the environment must be anticipated and monitored, a warning system must be put in place Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

3 Scope First quantitative evaluation of the physical effects of space radiation environment on astronauts in manned space missions The study is performed in a selected set of vehicle and surface habitats concepts with various shielding choices Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

4 Outline Software process Modeling the interplanetary space radiation
Modeling the vehicle and surface habitats concepts Modeling the physics interactions Results first quantitative dosimetry in vehicle and surface habitats Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

5 Software process Iterative and incremental approach
The Rational Unified Process (RUP) has been adopted as process framework Software process artifacts : User Requirement Document Design Project management at Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

6 Project working group P. Nieminen – European Space Agency, ESTEC, the Netherlands V. Guarnieri, C. Lobascio, P. Parodi, R. Rampini – ALENIA SPAZIO,Torino, Italy Model of vehicle concept and surface habitats S. Guatelli, M. G. Pia – INFN Genova, Italy Management and development of the Geant4 Remsim application Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

7 Strategy The process consisted of a series of iterations
Each iteration adds: a refinement in the experimental model the usage of further Geant4 functionality Vehicle concepts Moon surface habitats Simplified geometrical configurations Essential characteristics for dosimetric studies kept Electromagnetic physics + hadronic physics Physics processes Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

8 Space radiation environment
Selected space radiation components: Galactic Cosmic rays Protons, alpha particles and heavy ions Solar Particle Events Protons and alpha particles GCR heavy ions considered: C-12, O-16, Si-28, Fe-52 The ions are completely stripped Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

9 Space radiation environment
Flux at 1 AU GCR: p, alpha, heavy ions SPE particles: p and alpha Envelope of CREME96 October 1989 and August 1972 spectra Envelope of CREME and CRÈME solar minimum spectra Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

10 Physics processes E.M. Physics
Hadronic Physics for protons and alpha particles as incident particles Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

11 Selection of electromagnetic processes
Low Energy Package e-, photon, p, alpha particles, ions Standard Package e+ muons Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

12 E.M. physics validation Validation of proton and alpha particles physics processes in the energy range of interest (1. MeV – 100. GeV) Comparison of Stopping power and CSDA range with respect to ICRU49 protocol Activity performed in the context of the Geant4 e.m. physics validation Look talk: Physics Validation – Electromagnetic, 5th October 2004, Catania Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

13 Selection of hadronic physics models
For protons Two alternative models: Bertini and binary cascade Study and comparison of the dosimetric effect given by hadronic physics with the two alternative models For alpha particles IonBinary Model for E < 10 GeV Geant4 does not offer hadronic physics for higher energies Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

14 Selection of hadronic models (1)
for p, n, pions – Bertini model Inelastic model GeV : Bertini Cascade 2.8 – 25. GeV : Low Energy Parameterised (LEP) model 20. GeV TeV: Quark Gluon String (QGS) model Elastic model Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

15 Selection of hadronic models (2)
for p, n – Binary model Inelastic model GeV : Binary Cascade GeV : Low Energy Parameterised (LEP) model 20. GeV TeV: Quark Gluon String (QGS) model Elastic model for pions GeV: LEP model 20. GeV – 100. TeV: QGS Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

16 Selection of hadronic models (3)
alpha Inelastic model 0 – MeV : LowEnergy Parameterised (LEP) 80. MeV – 10. GeV Binary Ion Model Alpha-nuclear cross sections: Tripathi, Shen Elastic model Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

17 Modeling SIH vehicle concept
SIH consists of: Meteoroid and debris protection Structure Rebundant bladder The multilayer is the simplified model of the Simplified Inflatable Habitat concept (SIH) It retains the essential characteristics of the SIH relevant for a dosimetric study at this stage of the project GCR particles vacuum Air Astronaut multilayer SIH model Astronaut Geant4 model Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004 shielding

18 Modeling the astronaut concept
Astronaut - sensitive detector where the energy deposit is collected Simulation result: energy deposit with respect to the depth in the phantom 30 cm incident radiation Z Voxel = 1 cm thick slice along the z Axis 30 voxels Optimisation of the max step allowed in the geometry (0.1 cm) Optimisation of the threshold of production of secondaries (0.1 cm) Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

19 Results (1) e.m. + binary e.m. + bertini e.m. Thicker layer of shielding limit the exposure of the astronaut to the GCR The hadronic contribution to the dose calculation is relevant Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

20 SPE shelter model shelter Geant4 model Air vacuum Multilayer phantom
When SPE particles are detected by a warning system, the crew has to go inside the shelter The Geant4 model retains the essential characteristics of the vehicle concept relevant for a dosimetric study vacuum Air Multilayer (28 layers) phantom shelter Multilayer Geant4 model GCR and SPE particles Study the dosimetric effect of Galactic Cosmic Rays and Solar Particle Events in the Astronaut Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

21 Results (2) Energy deposit in the astronaut by GCR
Energy deposit in the astronaut by SPE with E > 300 MeV Total equivalent dose in the astronaut given by GCR: em = mSv/day em + hadronic (bertini) = 7.83 mSv/day em + hadronic (bynary) = mSv/day Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

22 Modeling surface habitats
Vacuum Moon soil Beam Add a log on top with variable height x On the moon, astronauts should build shelters by their own with moon soil Study the dosimetric effect of GCR and SPE particles with respect to x x Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

23 Results (3) e.m. + binary e.m. + bertini The hadronic physics contribution is relevant in the dosimetric calculation e.m. Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

24 Conclusions A first quantitative study has been performed in a set of vehicle and surface habitats Simple geometrical configurations, representing the essential features of vehicle concepts and moon surface habitats have been modeled Possible future developments: Refinement of the studies with angular dependencies of the incident beam Dosimetric studies with other options of shielding materials and thicknesses Geant4 advanced example: radioprotection Talk at the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Submission of the paper to the IEEE - Transactions On Nuclear Science Susanna Guatelli Geant4 Workshop 2004

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