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Respiration Use of O2 from the environment and the disposal of CO2

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1 Respiration Use of O2 from the environment and the disposal of CO2
Physiological challenge Aquatic vs Terrestrial

2 Environments Terrestrial Aquatic 5-10ml O2/liter H2O
Atmospheric conditions 78% N, 21% O2, 1% others, .03% CO2 1 liter of air = 210 ml 02 Aquatic 5-10ml O2/liter H2O Environmental Conditions Anoxic Hypoxic Normoxic Hyperoxic

3 Organismal Categories
Obligate Aerobe Facultative Anaerobe Obligate Anaerobe

4 How would you build a gas exchanger?
Expose it to the source of gas (ease of exchange not a lot of energy needed) Highly vascularized (ease of movement into body) Thin membrane (easy transfer – not too thin - lack durability) Large surface area not too large lose H2O

5 Respiratory organs Aquatic vs Terrestrial Tracheae System Gills Lungs

6 Gills External gills evaginations Internal gills
Invaginations (covered by flap - operculum)

7 Gill Structure Gill Arch Gill Filament Gill Lamellae
Directional – countercurrent Fish Cough

8 Why is countercurrent more efficient?
Parallel blood and oxygen flow – equilibrium is reached when each has 5 ml oxygen – 50% efficiency Blood 0ml Oxygen/liter 0ml to ml Water 10ml Oxygen/liter 10ml to ml Countercurrent blood and oxygen flow – equilibrium is seldom reached, so diffusion continues – 100% efficiency Blood 0ml Oxygen/liter 0ml to ml Water 10ml Oxygen/liter 10ml to ml

9 2 ways Fish get H2O across to extract O2
Ram Jet ventilation Opercular pump

10 Tracheae System Spiracles – holes on side of body
Tracheae system – internal plumbing Diffusion – directly into cells – no circulatory system necessary

11 Respiration in Amphibians and Reptiles
Positive pressure breathing > pressure outside lung MECHANISM -Into pharynx – close entrance – lungs expel CO2 - elevate floor of oral cavity and open glottis Negative pressure breathing lung expansion – pulling accordian – rib cage expansion

12 Mammal Lungs Increased O2 demand/higher metabolic rate = more efficient system Structures Nostrils – Hair Filter Ciliated cells of R.T. Larynx Trachea Bronchi/Bronchus Bronchioles Alveolar sac Alveoli Diaphragm Alveolar sac Alveoli

13 Structure & Mechanisms of Breathing
Route = trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli – capillaries Boyle’s law Volume increases pressure decreases Muscles involved External Intercostals Diaphragm Inspiration – Diaphragm and Intercostals contract Expiration – muscle relaxation and elastic recoil

14 Breathing Measurements
Tidal Volume total amount of air moved with each breath at rest = ~ 500 ml Vital Capacity Maximum amount that can be expired after a forceful maximum inspiration = ~ 4.6 L in males and 3.1 L in females Dead Air Space Amount of air contained in areas of no gas exchange = ~ 150 ml of Tidal Volume

15 Birds Respiratory System Structure Mechanism Unidirectional flow
No dead air space Efficiency

16 Skin – Cutaneous Respiration
Oxygen – white Carbon Dioxide - black

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