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Review of ProPublica Study on Auto Prices

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Presentation on theme: "Review of ProPublica Study on Auto Prices"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of ProPublica Study on Auto Prices
Webinar June 8, 2017 Roosevelt Mosley, Principal and Consulting Actuary, FCAS MAAA, Pinnacle Actuarial Resources Linda Brobeck, Senior Consulting Actuary, FCAS MAAA, Pinnacle Actuarial Resources James Lynch, FCAS MAAA, Chief Actuary, Insurance Information Institute Insurance Information Institute  110 William Street  New York, NY Tel:  

2 Overview of ProPublica Allegations and I.I.I. Response
Background Overview of ProPublica Allegations and I.I.I. Response

3 ProPublica Article December 2016
I.I.I. becomes aware that ProPublica is working on an article alleging discrimination in CA, IL, MO and TX February 2017 ProPublica shares its research data with I.I.I. March 2017 I.I.I. engages Pinnacle Actuarial Services to review work April 5, 2017 ProPublica (with Consumer Reports) publishes allegations

4 I.I.I. Response April 5 (day of publication): April–June
Issues written response Convened media teleconference Insurance Journal op-ed April–June Monitor and respond Additional research (PCI) June 8 (today) Releases Pinnacle report to members Conducts Webinar TBA: Will brief reporter, selected media on Pinnacle report

5 Conclusions Pinnacle Peer Review PCI Research
Most ZIP codes lack enough data to be credible Premium-loss mismatch Potential data/calculation error in Illinois Flaws in structure and output of mathematical model PCI Research Loss ratios in 3 states show there’s no bias

6 An Alternative Look: CA Minority ZIPs
1.23 (Overall Average State Risk) To test ProPublica’s conclusions, Pinnacle used ProPublica’s data to calculate the average state risk for minority and non‐minority areas. Company average premiums were estimated using the rate for the single risk profile by ZIP code and weighted based on the industry distribution by ZIP code. For each company, they then compared the premium relativity by area to the risk measure by area.

7 An Apples-to-Apples Comparison
PCI Analysis An Apples-to-Apples Comparison

8 Apples-to-Apples Comparisons
In 3 states, regulators collect premium by ZIP code. Missouri Chicago Texas Rest of Illinois SOURCE: Property Casualty Insurers Association of America.

9 Thank you for your time! Questions?

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