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At Home Exercising: For the nine to five working adults

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1 At Home Exercising: For the nine to five working adults
Kathryn Grant

2 Many people lack the energy and time to workout in a local gym
Background Many people lack the energy and time to workout in a local gym Moderate intensity for 30 mins a day can help reduce cardiovascular problems. Working out in the home can be just as effective as working out at the gym

3 Benefits of workout at home
Financially efficient No need to get a gym membership No workout equipment needed Stairs, dining chairs, floor Flexibility Don’t have to wait until the gym is open Image source:

4 Health Benefits of home exercise
Maintain and control body weight Reduce chances of cardiovascular diseases Stroke, hypertension, obesity Boosts energy Increases mood and motivation Image source: top 10 home remedies

5 Barriers to exercising
Lack of time Lack of motivation and energy Lack of support Affordability Barriers to exercising

6 Overcoming barriers Lack of time: Lack of motivation and energy:
“Its too boring” Lack of time: Drive less and walk more Wake up earlier Squeeze in 30 mins into schedule for moderate exercises Lack of motivation and energy: Create goals to achieve Stick to goals and remember why you want to achieve them Exercise when you are most active in the day “I’m too tired” Image source:

7 Overcoming Barriers Cont’d
“I don’t want to go alone” Lack of support: Encourage friends and family to join Group home workouts Affordability: No need for gym membership; exercise at home Exercise using own body weight “I have no money” Image source: Image source:

8 Sample home workouts Body weight squats
Stand tall, feet wide apart from shoulders 15-20 reps 3 sets Image

9 Incline Push- ups Use a bench, ottoman or firm surface around the home
Angle body in a push up position 12-15 reps Image

10 Triceps dip Use a chair Fingers facing forward and torso hanging off the chair Use triceps to depress and elevate body 12-15 reps Image source:

11 Stair climbers Mountain Climbers Use stairs Run up and down for 2mins
Alternate bringing feet to chest 30-60 reps Image source: Image source:

12 References out-at-home exercise-singaporeans-time-family-more home/all

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