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Unit 8 : Inspired by Art and Life.

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1 Unit 8 : Inspired by Art and Life.

2 My First Idea! The art work and artist.
I looked at the artist Auguste Rodin. Rodin’s type of art is sculptures. The piece that caught my attention is actually one of his most famous sculptures called “The Kiss”. I heard of this artists by Lynn In our lesson, thankfully. I was glad I came across to this as I got an idea straight away for this piece.

3 My idea – Romeo and Juliet
My idea for this sculpture is actually “Romeo and Juliet”. I chose “Romeo and Juliet” as their whole story is about their unconditional love. And this sculpture is about love. I thought of their story because this sculpture shows pure love. And by having no clothes show how there are together, in love, pure and human. So my idea was to do one of the last scenes from “Romeo and Juliet” when Romeo finds Juliet “dead” and he fights with Paris and then he wins and then he delivers his speech to Juliet and kills himself. My idea would be to keep all the their lines but change the fight into a dance piece. I also thought of having a different scene but similar idea, such as have the scene when everyone is fighting and Mercutio dies and then Romeo kills Tybalt. But I picked for the other idea as I wanted the speeches of Romeo and Juliet.

4 Who? what? I thought of having of having either Thalia or Chloe. I thought that their postures and comparing their Juliet’s, Chloe and Thalia suit that character more. For Romeo I thought of having Dylan and for Paris I though either Chris or Brayden. For my second idea I would want to have some MT, Dancers and actors to do the fight dancer scene. All get to work together. Maybe two of each group? For costume I would say 1968 type of clothes. Such as in the film Romeo and Juliet (1968) Staging I would say have something that looked old to lay Juliet and have a cloth type of thing to go over her body as she’s “dead”.

5 Second idea. I looked at the French artist Edgar Dega. Dega’s type of art work is paintings. One that stood out to me was a piece of girls who seemed in a ballet class so I thought of Billy Elliot. I also heard about this artist in lesson with Lynn. I thought of having a contrast piece in how Billy Elliot shows the difference in boxing and ballet. I thought in having a split screen. So have half doing boxing and some doing ballet and having “Billy” choose. I thought about having Ryan Adams play Billy and Emily as the dance teacher have mixed ranger of actors, dancers and MT’s doing the boxing and ballet classes. This would be a big group performance. Costume would be shorts and shirt for the half doing boxing and then ballet clothes. We would also need bars and boxing gloves.

6 Edgar Dega work:

7 Third idea. As my last two ideas have involved dance I looked at another artist to see what else I could find that didn’t involve too much dance. So I looked at the artist Rex Woodmore, most paintings are based of trees with different tones of purple. So that reminded me of Purple summer from “Spring Awakening – the musical” I thought about having the whole company sing the song at the end of this show to close it. Costume; I have no idea if you would want to have each one in their last performance costume to represent their pieces like the last commission or if you would everyone in casual clothes.



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