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PUT’s declined 6% across the board for all key trading demographics with only AP5+ declining less than 1%. It should be noted that these declines are a market wide occurrence and returning to pre-recession levels. Sunday and Saturday nights all experienced PUT growth with Saturday recording the highest PUT lift of 4%. Source: Nielsen TAM. TVNZ & Mediaworks against AP 18-54, SKY against AP 18-49, TV3 includes TV3 and TV3+1. C4/FOUR against AP 18-49

3 TV ONE HIGHLIGHTS AP 25-54 A good week for TV ONE with audience growth of 9% and share also up 16% (to 24.6%) year on year. From a weekly perspective audiences fell 8% with share down marginally -2%. Sunday night continues to provide the highest weekly and yearly lifts of 6% and 82% respectively with the successful performance of the Audi NZ Season Year to date, TV ONE’s average audiences are up year on year sitting at 9.1, compared to 8.8 in 2010. Four shows were in the top 10 programmes this week. Top Programmes for AP 25-54 Sunday Theatre TV ONE 18.0 $#*! My Dad Says TV2 16.6 The Big Bang Theory (R) 16.2 Shortland Street 14.9 Police Ten 7 Global Radar 14.2 Two and a Half Men (R) 13.9 Hyundai Country Calendar 13.1 Dog Squad 13.0 The Mentalist 12.9 The week’s best buy was Sunday Theatre - Billy with a CPT of $389.20 Source: Nielsen TAM

4 TV2 HIGHLIGHTS AP 18-39 TV2’s audience fell this week by 11% to 8.7 with share down -8%. From a yearly perspective, a 16% audience loss was reported as well as a share loss of 10% to 26.1%. The Wednesday night line up continues to deliver the strongest audience lift of 8% weekly and 5% yearly with all peak shows from 19:30 performing well. Year to date, TV2’s average audiences are sitting at 9.6 compared to 10.3 last year Nine of the top 10 programmes were on TV2 this week. Top Programmes for AP 18-39 $#*! My Dad Says TV2 18.3 The Big Bang Theory (R) 16.0 Police Ten 7 15.4 Shortland Street 14.9 Two and a Half Men (R) 14.0 Sunday Theatre TV ONE 13.5 My Kitchen Rules 13.1 The Mentalist 12.9 Random Breath Testing 12.6 Grey's Anatomy 12.1 The week’s best buy was Wednesday Neighbours with a CPT of $480.80 Source: Nielsen TAM

5 PERFORMANCE For Week 34, Page Impressions are up 34% year on year with Unique Browsers up 20% for the same week last year. Year to Date, Page impressions on have grown by 32% year on year, with Unique Browsers growing 24% on a yearly basis. Top Sections National News Sports News World News Entertainment News Business News Source: Netratings: Site Census. Weekly Report is Monday to Sunday inclusive. Please note Page Impressions were impacted w/c 24/10/10 due to the launch of the new homepage

TVNZ Ondemand weekly Stream Views increased by 17% compared to the same week last year. Year to date, TVNZ Ondemand Stream Views are sitting down -5% year on year. The Mentalist was the Top stream for the week. Please note Week has been impacted by reporting issues which we believe has been corrected. Top 10 Streams The Mentalist Nothing Trivial Shortland Street – Thursday Episode Grey’s Anatomy Sunday Theatre – Billy The Walking Dead Big Fat Gypsy Weddings Castle Shortland Street – Friday Episode Shortland Street – Wednesday Episode Source: Netratings: Site Census. Stream Views. Please note that a small number of News Streams are included. Weekly Report is Monday to Sunday inclusive.

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