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Step Pyramids and Mastabas

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1 Step Pyramids and Mastabas
By: Braden Hastings Period: 6 Mastaba Saqqara step pyramid

2 Who was it built to honor? Where is it located?
This Step Pyramid was built to honor Pharaoh Djoser Pharaoh Djoser’s pyramid is located in the Saqqara

3 Information about King Djoser
King Djoser was known by other names Netjerykhetranub Sensen Senwy He was considered the most outstanding pharaoh in the Old Kingdom and perhaps in the entire Egyptian History

4 Who was responsible for the design on the pyramid?
Imhotep was responsible for the design of Djoser’s Pyramid Imhotep was a doctor, architect, high priest, scribe and a vizier to King Djoser A vizier is the highest official to serve the king Imhotep

5 How many layers did it have? How many feet?
Djoser’s Step Pyramid is 6 layers high and it is 204 feet Layers 1 2 3 4 5 6

6 What material was used by Egyptians that made the Step Pyramid more durable than mud-brick mastabas?
Stone was used to make Step Pyramids more durable than mud-brick mastabas Stone is more durable than Mud-Brick Mud-Brick Stone

7 Describe the layout of the entire Step Pyramid complex.
A Step Pyramid’s layout is enclosed by a thirty foot wall and it also included courtyards, temples, and chapels Step Pyramid layout

8 Where are the burial chambers found in the Step Pyramid?
The burial chamber in the step pyramid’s are under ground

9 What remains of King Djoser’s body?
All that remains of King Djoser’s body is his mummified left foot King Djoser’s mummified left foot

10 What does Mastaba mean in Arabic?
A mastaba means a Stone Bench in Arabic Stone Bench

11 What two materials were used to build mastabas?
Mud-Brick and Stone were used to make mastabas

12 Describe where the burial chamber was located and how one got to it.
The burial chamber in a mastaba is located underground You get to the chamber by going through a deep shaft

13 During what period of Egyptian history were mastabas built?
Mastabas were built in the Old Kingdom

14 What were storage chambers filled with?
Storage chambers were filled with food and equipment Some equipment from Ancient Egypt

15 Describe the decorations on the walls of a mastaba.
On the walls in a mastaba, there are pictures of some of their daily activities

16 Describe what was found in the chapel?
In the chapel there was an offering table and a false door This is a false door that was found inside a chapel This is an offering table that was found inside a chapel

17 What did the spirit of the deceased use the false door for?
The Spirit of the deceased used the false door for entering and leaving the burial chamber

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