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Conditions on the Eve of the Reformation

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1 Conditions on the Eve of the Reformation
MISSING Rare picture of the lesser known “Posting of the 95 lost kittens” by Martin Luther. Note: Only 15 were found.

2 Religion 1. Historical Problems a. Babylonian Captivity ( ) 2. The Great Schism (~ 40 years) Effects: -Both of these cause great damage to the church’s moral influence… the power of the Pope declined. -Europeans felt greater loyalty to the Monarchs than the Church

3 Wycliffe 1. John Wycliffe “The only religious truth is the Bible.” - Calls for an end to all church practices not in the Bible. Wycliffe , leader of the Lollards

4 Wycliffe -Wycliffe translates the Bible from Latin the English Effects: 1)broke the Church’s hold as keepers of religious truth 2) Lollards led a church revolt

5 Clerical Abuses 1. Corruptions in the Church a. Clerical immorality (drinking, gambling, sex) 2. Clerical Ignorance (many could barely read/write) 3. Clerical Pluralism 4. Clerical Absenteeism

6 Jan Hus 4. Jan Hus – A Czech, who like Wycliffe, translated the Latin Bible A. Hussite Wars 1. Hus called upon to defend his views, he’s branded a heretic and burned at the stake (promised protection) 2. HRE wages war against the Hussites over 16 years -Hussites and the Pope eventually reach a truce

7 Politics 1. Rise of centralized states 2. Monarchs vs. the Church -Protestantism is often a front for rebellion (Dutch hate the Hapsburgs and want independence, we hate Catholics… think Northern Ireland 3. Catholic Monarchs resented for forcing conversions

8 Economics 1. The Church gaining wealth through: a. exploration/ expansion/ conversion 2. corruption/ fees -Simony/beneficces/extortion 3. Selling of Indulgences -“Get out of purgatory free card” -M. Luther had big issues with this

9 Economics 2. Middle class gaining wealth through hard work -frugal, save, live simply (N. Ren) -”Protestant work ethic” 3. Monarchs gaining wealth by taxing middle class -seen as wasteful, immoral and decadent…unchrist-like

10 Economics Effects: -Church’s wealth resented by Monarchs and middle class because of its corruption, ignorance, and neglecting of religious philosophy. -Middle class’ wealth resented, “They don’t deserve that much.” -Monarchs’ wealth resented by the Church and middle class, seen as too powerful, ruthless, and political.

11 Social Rise of white, urban males & the Middle Class
- N. Ren. merchants… Peasants, women, minorities do not gain much (do not experience a “Renaissance”) Monk is no longer the “Ideal Man”

12 Social Effects -White urban males and Middle Class resent taxes. Want validation of their Secular life -Peasants, women, and minorities want what others (white males) have

13 Intellectual You know this stuff… Secularism Humanism Individualism
Effect: Church’s actions and teachings questioned


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