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Third Quarter Journals

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1 Third Quarter Journals

2 Journal 3-1: Life’s Experiences
This next unit’s essential question is “How can life experiences shape our values?” What are some experiences you have lived through thus far that have molded and shaped who you are today (or continue to mold and shape you)? What did you learn from those experiences?

3 Journal 3-2: Your NAME

4 Journal 4-1: Lincoln’s Letter

5 My mother or father once told me…
Journal 4-2: Advice Finish the statement: My mother or father once told me…

6 Journal 4-3: Important Memory
What memory shows something important about your family or your friends?

7 Journal 4-4 FREE WRITE

8 Journal 4-5- Famous Would you like to be famous? If so, for what? What if you knew it meant that within a few years you’d lose all your current friends and never develop new, meaningful relationships?

9 Journal 4-6: Middle School Memories
You’re almost done with middle school! Think about these last three years, whether you spent them in Doral or at another school. What’s one memory you’ll take with you when you leave here? How does this memory impact you? Does it make you smile? Was it a lesson learned?

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