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The Levels Name that Group Who’s Who Living Or Non Living A few extras

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Presentation on theme: "The Levels Name that Group Who’s Who Living Or Non Living A few extras"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Levels Name that Group Who’s Who Living Or Non Living A few extras 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt

2 An organism’s scientific name

3 What is Genus Species?

4 The broadest level of Classification

5 What is a Kingdom

6 Kind Professors Can Often Fail Good Students.

7 What is kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species

8 Homo Sapiens is the human example of these levels of classification.

9 Genus Species

10 Is the two part naming system developed by Linnaeus

11 Binomial Nomenclature

12 The reason Scientist organize living things

13 It makes studying organisms easier

14 The scientific study of how living things are classified.

15 What is Taxonomy?

16 Name the six Kingdoms

17 Archaebacteria Eubacteria Protist Fungi Plants Animals

18 Autotroph – Heterotroph Unicellular - Multi-cellular
Prokaryote – Eukaryote

19 What characteristics determine the Kingdom an organism is put in?

20 Organisms with this name in common will be very similar

21 What is Genus

22 I make my own food

23 What is an Autotroph?

24 We are prokaryotes

25 What are eubacteria and archaebacteria?

26 All plants are these

27 Autotrophs

28 We are eukaryotes and can be either unicellular or multicellular and either heterotrophic or autotrophic

29 Protists

30 Eat other autotrophs and heterotrophs

31 Heterotrophs like many animals like Humans

32 Boo Agh – you scared me!!!

33 What is Stimulus and Response?

34 The only thing ALL living things need to survive.

35 H2O Yes - Water

36 All internal conditions are stable

37 What is Homeostasis?

38 Adaptations and changes over time.

39 Evolution

40 These are used to determine if something is living

41 The Six Characteristics of Living Things

42 The characteristics organisms have in common

43 What are shared classification levels?

44 These are the six characteristics
of living things

45 Cellular Organization Contain similar chemicals Respond to surrounding
Use energy Grow and develop Reproduction Respond to surrounding

46 Person who classified animals that can
1)Fly 2) Swim 3) Crawl, Walk or Run

47 Who is Aristotle

48 We are Multicellular Heterotrophic Eukaryotes

49 What are animals

50 Panthera leo and Panthera tigris

51 What are two types of cats that roar? or
Name two types of cats in the same genus.

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