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Cultural Heritage of INDIA

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1 Cultural Heritage of INDIA

2 9th Grade-Essential Question
How did the religions and culture that developed in India influence the development of it’s society? How did the Caste System affect the Indian society?

3 Vocabulary Dynasty- ongoing reign or influence of a powerful family.
Taj Mahal- is a white marble mausoleum located on the southern bank of the Yamuna River in the Indian city of Agra. Vasco da Gama- He was the first European to reach India by sea, linking Europe and Asia for the first time by ocean route.   East India Company- The company was formed to share in the East Indian spice trade.  William Carey- Father of Modern Missions  Gandhi- Indian pacifist who promoted human rights. Nehru- was the first Prime Minister of India and a central figure in Indian politics before and after independence.

4 Vocabulary New Delhi- the capital city of India
Calcutta- is the capital of the Indian state of West Bengal. Mt. Everest- the highest mountain in the world Passes- narrow passages or openings between mountains. Himalayas- mountain range between India and Tibet.

5 Historical Facts 2500 B.C. The Indus Valley civilization develops around the valley of the Indus River (now in Pakistan). Its trade is based on crops grown on the fertile river plains. 2000 B.C. The Indus Valley civilization collapses, possibly due to severe floods or a change in the course of the Indus River. Around 1500 B.C. Aryans invade and start the Caste System. A.D. 50 Trade flourishes between India and the Roman Empire. Romans eagerly buy Indian pearls, ivory, silk, spices, cloth and precious stones.

6 Historical Facts AD Hinduism becomes the major religion of the empire. Literature, art, architecture and science flourish during this "classical age" of peace and prosperity. 1526 The rule of the Mogul Empire begins, unifying much of south India with the north for the first time. 1600s Eager to gain access to India's spices, rice, silk, tea and jewels, Holland, Great Britain and France establish key trading posts in India.

7 Historical Facts 1638 Mogul Emperor Shah Jahan begins construction of the Taj Mahal in memory of his wife Mumtaz. 1858 The British overthrow the Moguls and take control of India.

8 Basic Facts: INDIA has the Largest and most populous Democracy in the World 12th Largest Economy in nominal dollars Population: 1.15 billion, 1.7% growth rate 70% Rural with severe cases of Urban Agglomeration

9 Society Strict social hierarchy Patriarchy Caste system
Integration of religion Traditional Indian Families: Large joint families Mostly rural Modern Nuclear Families

10 Customs Respect for Elders Respect one another Being Helpful
Treat guests as Gods

11 Regional Diversity

12 Languages 1576 mother tongues!!! Two major groups:
29 languages > 1 million speakers 60 languages > 100,000 speakers 122 languages > 10,000 speakers Two major groups: Indo-European or Indo-Aryan languages Dravidian Languages Northern Indian: Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Bengali and Oriya Southern Indian: Tamil ,Kannada, Malayalam, and Telugu

13 Religion Major Religions: Plays a central and definitive
Hinduism – 80.4% Islam – 13.4% Buddhism Jainism Sikhism Christianity Plays a central and definitive role in the lives of most people

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