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Dr. Seuss By Rose Reyes.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Seuss By Rose Reyes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Seuss By Rose Reyes

2 Who is dr. Suess? Theodor Suess Geisel (1904-1991)
Children’s book author/illustrator Published first cartoon in 1925 Last published book: “Oh the Places You’ll Go!”-1990

3 Original Sketch: The Cat in The Hat (1958)

4 Original Sketch: Green Eggs and Ham (1960)

5 Original Sketch:Dr. Suess ABC (1960)

6 The Lorax

7 Questions... What are things that you can observe from Dr. Suess’ characters? What kinds of different materials do you think Dr. Suess used for his artwork/illustrations? How do you think Dr. Suess was inspired for his books and drawings?

8 Dr. Suess and Us How can we use Dr. Suess in our own artwork?
What kinds of characters can you create by using your imagination? Can we come up with a list of all these ideas for drawings?

9 Possiblities Dr. Suess creates his own characters.
They each have their own stories and personalities. He uses bright colors. They show feeling/facial expressions.

10 Major Concepts Color Sketching/Doodles Space

11 Be Dr. Suess! Sketch a Dr. Suess character Doodle your own character.
Final drawing: My own character Write your own story about the character.


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