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Data types and variables
today My First program Variables Data types
Java-Why is it special? Java is an object-oriented language.
Programming methodology that views a program as consisting of objects that interact with one another by means of actions (called methods) Java programs are portable between machines Java is accompanied by a rich set of libraries that allow you to create graphics, interact with databases, communicate overnetworks, etc.
Byte-Code and the Java Virtual Machine
The compilers for most programming languages translate high-level programs directly into the machine language for a particular computer Since different computers have different machine languages, a different compiler is needed for each one In contrast, the Java compiler translates Java programs into byte-code, a machine language for a fictitious computer called the Java Virtual Machine Once compiled to byte-code, a Java program can be used on any computer, making it very portable
Byte-Code and the Java Virtual Machine
Interpreter: The program that translates a program in Java byte-code into the machine language for a particular computer when a Java program is executed. The interpreter is also known as the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) The interpreter translates and immediately executes each byte-code instruction, one after another Translating byte-code into machine code is relatively easy compared to the initial compilation step
Platform independent Java compiler translates a Java program into Java byte-code Java bytecode is not tied to any particular processor type Java interpreter executes the Java byte-code. A Java interpreter needed for each processor type.
Translate Java code to Machine Code
Compiler Java code Java byte-code Interpreter Java byte-code --- Machine code
Java concepts Method : group of programming statements that is given a name. Class: named group of related methods.
My First Program public class MyFirstClass {
public static void main ( String args[] ) { System.out.println( “Hi there” ); System.out.println( “Enjoy the show!” ); }
main method public static void main ( String args[] ) {
System.out.println( “Hi there” ); System.out.println( “Enjoy the show!” ); }
How can a program perform output?
System.out.println( “Hi there” );
System.out.println Java programs work by having things called objects perform actions System.out: an object used for sending output to the screen The actions performed by an object are called methods println: the method or action that the System.out object performs to print specified character string to the screen
System.out.println Invoking or calling a method: When an object performs an action using a method Also called sending a message to the object Method invocation syntax (in order): an object, a dot (period), the method name, and a pair of parentheses Arguments: Zero or more pieces of information needed by the method that are placed inside the parentheses System.out.println("This is an argument");
blocks { System.out.println( “Welcome!” );
System.out.println( “Enjoy the show.” ); }
Comments Annotation (notes) about the code.
Computer only executes code. Comments are for human readers of our code. How/what/why about the code that follows (so comments appear before the code that they describe).
Comments We need a way to tell the compiler that this is a comment and not code (so the compiler can ignore our comment). // This is a one line comment. /* This is a block comment. It may span multiple lines. */ /* Or it may be just a single line. */
My First Program /* My first Java program */
public class MyFirstClass { public static void main ( String args[] ) { System.out.println( “Hi there” ); System.out.println( “Enjoy the show!” ); }
Error Messages Bug: A mistake in a program
The process of eliminating bugs is called debugging Syntax error: A grammatical mistake in a program The compiler can detect these errors, and will output an error message saying what it thinks the error is, and where it thinks the error is. E.g. a missing semicolon!
Tip: Error Messages Run-time error: An error that is not detected until a program is run The compiler cannot detect these errors: an error message is not generated after compilation, but after execution Logic error: A mistake in the underlying algorithm for a program The compiler cannot detect these errors, and no error message is generated after compilation or execution, but the program does not do what it is supposed to do
Variables and Data types
In math we may say, “Let x be an integer.” Or, “Let a be a real number.” How can we do this in our code?
What is a variable? The name of some location in memory used to a hold a data value.
Data types Data may be of different types Some data types: More later!
Different types of data require different amounts of memory Some data types: int (an integer) double (a real number) String (a string of characters) char (a single character) More later!
Variable declaration So how do we say, “Let x be an integer?” int x;
This is a variable declaration. Instructs the compiler to reserve a portion of memory space large enough to hold a particular type of value Indicates the name by which we refer to that location x is the name of the variable. We made up this name. int is a keyword or reserved word. It is part of the Java language. We can’t use int for anything else (like variable names). We may (and need) only declare x once.
Variable declarations
Every variable in a Java program must be declared before it is used Variables are typically declared just before they are used or at the start of a block (indicated by an opening brace { )
Variable declaration “Let x and y be integers.” int x; int y; Or
int x, y;
Variable declaration “Let x be an integer and height be a real number.” int x; double height; What value does x have?
Variable declaration and assignment (=)
//declare vars int x; String name; //note uppercase ‘S’ //assign initial values x = 1; name = “fred”;
Variable declaration and assignment
//declare vars char ch; //assign initial values ch = ‘x’;
Variable declaration and assignment
//declare vars int x; //assign initial values x = 12;
Variable declaration and assignment in one
int x = 12; //two steps in one
Tip: Initialize Variables
A variable that has been declared but that has not yet been given a value by some means is said to be uninitialized In certain cases an uninitialized variable is given a default value It is best not to rely on this Explicitly initialized variables have the added benefit of improving program clarity
Tip: Initialize Variables
The declaration of a variable can be combined with its initialization via an assignment statement int count = 0; double distance = 55.5; char grade = 'A'; Note that some variables can be initialized and others can remain uninitialized in the same declaration int initialCount = 50, finalCount;
Primitive Data Types Basic types in java are called primitive types
Integer types: int: most common short, byte: for small integers long: for huge values Floating point types: float: roughly 7 digits of precision double: rouhly 15 digits of precision char: a single character boolean: (true or false)
Primitive Types
Valid variable names Starts with: a letter (a-z or A-Z), dollar sign($), or underscore(_) Followed by: zero or more letters, dollar signs, underscores, or digits(0-9) Case-sensitive! Uppercase and lowercase are different. Rate, rate, and RATE are the names of three different variable Cannot be any of the reserved names Can theoretically be of any length
Variable names (valid or invalid?)
$$1_1 numberOfBeans public (reserved word) 1day peanutbutter&jelly aZ_b INT
Good variable names Do not use $
Avoid names that are identical other than differences in case Use meaningful names Avoid excessive length
FirstProgram MyClass String
Naming Conventions Start the names of variables, methods, and objects with a lowercase letter, indicate "word" boundaries with an uppercase letter, and restrict the remaining characters to digits and lowercase letters topSpeed bankRate1 timeOfArrival Start the names of classes with an uppercase letter and, otherwise, adhere to the rules above FirstProgram MyClass String
Identifiers Identifier: The name of a variable or other item (class, method, object, etc.) defined in a program A Java identifier must not start with a digit, and all the characters must be letters, digits, the underscore symbol, or the dollar sign
public class void static int double if for private
Identifiers Keywords and Reserved words: Identifiers that have a predefined meaning in Java Do not use them to name anything else. Examples: public class void static int double if for private Predefined identifiers: Identifiers that are defined in libraries required by the Java language standard Although they can be redefined, this could be confusing and dangerous if doing so would change their standard meaning System String println
Next time: Assignment and Arithmetic expressions
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