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Published bySusan Golden Modified over 6 years ago
1. The scientist studied the aberrant cells to find a cause and a cure for the disease.
Aberrant: adj Parts: ab(apart, away); err(wander,stray); ant(that which) Educated Guess: Definition: Departing from an accepted standard Deviating from what is normal Straying from the right or usual course Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: aberration (n) aberrational (adj.) Context Phrase
2. Many teenagers who think their parents’ ideas are anachronistic disregard their good advice.
anachronistic: adj Parts: ana(back, through);chron (time)ic(characterized by) Educated Guess: Definition: Belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists; Placed out of its proper time Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: anachronism (n.) Context Phrase
3. He planned to augment his savings for college by investing in the stock market.
augment – verb Parts: aug (grow, increase); ment (result of) Educated Guess: Definition: To make or become greater; as in size, number, or amount Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: augmentation (noun) Context Phrase
4. We were not surprised by the politician’s circumlocution on questions concerning the issue because he did not want to offend anyone or to lose any votes. curcumlocution - noun Parts: curcum (around); locut (talk) tion (act of) Educated Guess: Definition: The use of many words where fewer would do, especially in a deliberate attempt to be vague or evasive; Evasion in speaking or writing Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms:circumlocutional(adj) circumlocutionist(n) Context Phrase
5. After months of anticipation, the congregation gathered to consecrate its new sanctuary.
consecrate - verb Parts:con (together, with); sacr (holy);ate (make, cause) Educated Guess: Definition: To regard with great respect; In Christian belief, to change bread and wine into the blood and body of Christ; to dedicate to a special goal or purpose Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: consecration (noun) Context Phrase to consecrate one’s life to helping others
6. Many readers found the plot of her latest novel discursive and boring.
discursive – (adjective) Parts: dis (apart, away); curs (run); ive(tending to) Educated Guess: Definition: Digressing from subject to subject; covering a wide range of subjects. Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: discursively (adv.) discursiveness (n) Context Phrase
7. Lack of supplies was not the only encumbrance that early settlers faced.
encumbrance - noun Parts: en(inside, within); combre(hinder, block); ance(state) Educated Guess: Definition: a burden or impediment, a lien or claim on property Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: encumber (verb) Context Phrase
8. The impecunious man had to depend on the shelter for food and a place to sleep.
impecunious – adj. Parts: im ( not) pecunia (money); oius (full of) Educated Guess: Definition: Having little or no money Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: impecuniousness (noun) Context Phrase
9. Inept in handling the hostage crisis, he was quickly replaced by someone more qualified
inept – adj. Parts: in (not); ept (able, capable) Educated Guess: Definition: Not suitable to the circumstance or occasion; Having or showing no skill; Lacking in judgment, sense, or reason Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: ineptitude (n) ineptness (n) ineptly (adv) Context Phrase
10. Some people are intransigent in their values but very flexible on other issues.
intransigent – adj. Parts: in (not); trans (across) ag (drive) ent (full of) Educated Guess: Definition: Refusing to moderate an especially extreme position; Refusing to agree or compromise; unwilling to change one’s views or to agree Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: intransigence(n) intransigently (adv) Context Phrase
11. One manifest strength of this school is the cultural and social diversity of its students.
manifest – adj. Parts: manu (hand); festus (made, done); Educated Guess: Definition: Clearly apparent to the sight or understanding (adj); To show or demonstrate plainly (v); a list of cargo or passengers (n) Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: manifestation (n) manifestly (adv) Context Phrase
12. The prosecutor focused the jury’s attention on the defendant’s non sequitur.
non sequitur – noun Parts: non (not) sequ (follow) Educated Guess: Definition: A statement that does not follow logically from what preceded it; An inference or conclusion that does not follow from the premise or evidence Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: na Context Phrase
13. Some families choose the peripatetic lifestyle of the military over settling in one place.
peripatetic – adj. Parts: peri (around); patein (walk) Educated Guess: Definition: Walking about; moving from place to place; Pertaining to the philosophy or teaching methods of Aristotle Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: peripateticism (n) Context Phrase
14. Do you agree with the idea that “children learn more by example than by precept”?
precept - noun Parts: pre (before); cept (take, seize) Educated Guess: Definition: A general rule or principle intended to control behavior or thought. Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: preceptor (n) teacher Context Phrase
15. We ambled down the path, unaware of the propinquity of the danger that lay ahead.
propinquity – noun Parts: propinquus (near); ity (state of) Educated Guess: Definition: Nearness in place or time; similarity in nature, Kinship Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: na Context Phrase
16. I am embarrassed that I have been remiss in writing thank you notes for the gifts I received.
remiss - adj Parts: re (back); miss (send) Educated Guess: Definition: Lax or careless in matters requiring attention; Careless of duty Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: na Context Phrase
17. Some people believe that all animals are as sentient as humans.
sentient - adjective Parts: sent (feel); ent (full of) Educated Guess: Definition: Able to feel or perceive things; Having sense perception Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: sentience (n) sentiently (adv) Context Phrase
18. The peasants groveled and supplicated to the selfish king for grain to make bread.
supplicate – verb Parts: sub (under); plic ( fold); ate (make, cause) Educated Guess: Definition: To ask for humbly or earnestly; as by praying; To make an earnest request Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: supplication (n) Context Phrase
19. The verbiage of her writing made understanding her ideas very difficult.
verbiage - noun Parts: verb (word); age ( action) Educated Guess: Definition: Speech or writing that uses too many words or excessively technical language. Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: na Context Phrase
20. The purpose of the negative campaign advertisements on television was to vilify his opponents before millions of voters. villify – verb Parts: vilis (worthless); fy (make) Educated Guess: Definition: To speak or write about in an abusively disparaging (negative) manner Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: vilification (n) vilifier (n) Context Phrase
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