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Policy and International cooperation
Fotis Karayannis, NA5 leader CERN All Activity Meeting May 2005, CERN
Contents NA5 partners and resources NA5 status:
Policies: eIRG White papers, roadmaps International Collaboration: With other projects - Concertation activities (EU F2-F3 Units), other geographical areas, standards Summary of deliverables, milestones NA5-related comments from the EU 15 month plan, evolution of the NA5 activity All Activity Meeting, May 2005, CERN
NA5 partners and resources
Effort planned in the Technical Annex: CERN: 2 FTEs (1 funded + 1 unfunded) CNRS: 0,2 FTEs (unfunded) DFN: 0,5 FTEs (funded) FZK: 0,5 FTEs (unfunded) GARR: 0,5 FTEs (unfunded) GRNET: 1FTE (funded) INFN: 1,5 FTEs (1 funded + 0,5 unfunded) PPARC: 0,2 FTEs (funded) RED.ES: 1 FTE (funded) All Activity Meeting, May 2005, CERN
NA5 partners and resources (2)
CERN: 2 FTEs (1 funded + 1 unfunded) CNRS: 0,2 FTEs (unfunded) DFN: 0,5 FTEs (funded) FZK: 0,5 FTEs (unfunded) GRNET: 1FTE (funded) GARR: 0,5 FTEs (unfunded) INFN: 1,5 FTEs (1 funded + 0,5 unfunded) PPARC: 0,2 FTEs (funded) RED.ES: 1 FTE (funded) Consumed PMs - April 2004-March2005: No Partner Cost Model Consumed PMs F Consumed PMs UF Consumed PMs F+UF Budgeted F Budgeted UF Budgeted F+UF 1 CERN AC 9,5 5,2 14,7 24 48 2 GUP 0,1 18 PPARC FC 4,8 22 CNRS FCF 28 FZK 12 31 INFN 3,2 5,3 8,5 36 51 GRNET 11,2 0,9 12,1 69 DFN 70 GARR 0,3 71 RED.ES 2,9 27,7 11,8 39,5 112,8 64,8 177,6 All Activity Meeting, May 2005, CERN
NA5 partners and resources (3)
Consumed effort (reported costs) during the first year: Only 30% of EC contribution: 189K out of 635K (instead of around 50%) Some partners not involved or not charged at all No Partner P1 Q4 Total Y1 Total EC Contribution 1 CERN 38.115 43.470 81.585 2 GUP 18 PPARC 4.000 22 CNRS 28 FZK 31 INFN 8.281 51 GRNET 50.728 12.722 63.450 69 DFN 18.835 1.949 20.784 70 GARR 465 71 RED.ES 14.570 72.711 All Activity Meeting, May 2005, CERN
NA5 partners and resources (4)
Consumed effort during the first year: Only 30% of EC contribution (189K out of 635K) Justification: NA5 work programme not clear? One part of it (policies) coordinated by an external body (eIRG) The other part of if (international cooperation) in some cases covered directly by other technical activities Action: We need to mobilise more partners! We need to mobilise more persons in each partner! Attract more UNFUNDED resources from all partners (especially for the white papers on policies) Re-organise! Good news: NA5 not dependant on Glite! (-: All Activity Meeting, May 2005, CERN
NA5 Status Review NA5= Policy and International Cooperation
Policy: Support the creation of a framework for the easy and cost-effective shared use of electronic resources in Europe Pursued mainly through a series of policy related White Papers and Roadmap documents Under the coordination of the eInfrastructure Reflection Group - (external body staffed by national representatives) International Cooperation: With other projects including “concertation” activities (i.e. coordinating a cluster of related projects – forum of exchanging ideas) With other geographical regions (North America, Asia Pacific, Russia, South America) With standardisation bodies (GGF et al) All Activity Meeting, May 2005, CERN
NA5 Status Review - Policies
2 White papers till now supported by EGEE: Dublin (Apr 04) and Den Haag (Nov 04) (First in Rome -Dec 03) Another 2 White papers planned during EGEE: Third to be presented in the next e-IRG meeting (13-14/6 –Luxemburg) e-IRG Amsterdam workshop (13/5) providing input to the White paper Summary presentations available under White paper to be drafted in 3 weeks based on the workshop feedback (slides available) and extending the Den Haag Fourth one during UK presidency All Activity Meeting, May 2005, CERN
Luxemburg White Paper ToC - Topics
1. Executive summary 2. The role of the eIRG in shaping the ICT European Research Area, Kyriakos 3. Generic vs. disciplinary grids - Manuel Delfino 4. Authentication, Authorization, Accounting policies- David Groep, Diego Lopez, John Gordon 5. Network developments & grid requirements Gigi Karmous-Edwards 6. Policies to enable the Global Terabit Research Network, Danny Vandromme, Kees Neegers, Vasilis Maglaris 7. Usage policies ? 8. User Support policies, Frank Harris, Torsten Antoni, Hans Döbbeling 9. Legal issues in e-infrastructures, Kees Stuurman 10. Advanced computing facilities policies, Victor Alessandrini 11. Policy roadmap, Fotis CONTRIBUTIONS ARE MORE THAN WELCOME ! All Activity Meeting, May 2005, CERN
NA5 Status Review – Policies (2)
Policies (cont’d) Research eInfrastructure Roadmap planned: a long term plan for ICT-related Research Infrastructures (FP7 and beyond) Will be based on a list of bullet points prepared in March: Both the draft White paper and Roadmap will be presented on the eIRG meeting for discussion – approval Expected outcome: White paper: A list of policy-related recommendations to enable sharing of resources Roadmap: Basic directives towards FP7 and beyond in the ICT area (networking, grids, supercomputing) All Activity Meeting, May 2005, CERN
NA5 Status Review – Cooperation
International Cooperation Cooperation with EU F3 Unit projects (GN2, DEISA, SEEGRID, DILIGENT, GRIDCC, etc.) through F3 concertation events F3 Projects: Den Haag F3 concertation – Nov 04 : DG INFSOM, Directorate F, Unit F3: Research Infrastructure, Head: Mario Campolargo Cooperation with EU F2 Unit projects (NextGrid, SIMDAT, etc.) through F2 concertation events: Brussels F2 Concertation – Sep 04: DG INFSOM, Directorate F, Unit F2: Grid Technologies, Wolfgang Boch All Activity Meeting, May 2005, CERN
DG INFSOM All Activity Meeting, May 2005, CERN
NA5 Status Review – Cooperation (2)
International Cooperation (cont’d) EGEE-driven concertation mechanisms: Security Working Group: Åke Edlund (JRA3) 2nd Working Group (all other activities) F3 Future concertation event: Sep-Oct Under discussions – Coordinated by GN2 – DANTE GEANT2 Launch – June 2005 Luxemburg (by invitation) F2 Future Events: Brussels F2 Concertation: 30 May-2 June 2005: EGEE contributed in various F2 working groups All Activity Meeting, May 2005, CERN
Milestones, deliverables
PM15 – June 2005 : eInfrastructure Forum White Papers in conjunction with the EGEE Project Conferences eIRG White Paper presented at the next eIRG (13-14 June 2005) PM16 – July 2005: Progress report on International Cooperation Activities Should draft a ToC asap! Move it to September? PM18 – September 2005: European Grid project synergy report (in collaboration with DEISA, SEE-GRID and other relevant initiatives and EU projects) Should draft a ToC asap! Move after 2nd F3 concertation? PM21 – December 2005: eInfrastructure reflection group White Papers in conjunction with the EGEE Project Conferences PM24 – March 2006: Final progress report on International Cooperation Activities All Activity Meeting, May 2005, CERN
Plans and Actions General: Policy-related:
Re-organisation: Updated execution plan? Motivate foreseen partners, more individuals, update mailing lists, more volunteers! Nominate NA5 activity interfaces from other activities NA5 Physical Meeting? Update NA5 Web Pages Policy-related: Continue White papers and Roadmap documents in cooperation with eIRG International cooperation-related: F3 Concertation Working Groups: Security Group: Ake - Prepare an inventory of security related bodies (effort to reuse existing structures and not create other bodies) “All-other” group: Get advise from Project – Technical Director F2 Concertation Meeting Working Groups: Already contributing in the White papers - EGEE delegation to participate in the next concertation event – Brussels (20 May-2 June) Follow-up Working Groups in the future Define a list of interfaces? All Activity Meeting, May 2005, CERN
Plans and Actions (2) International cooperation-related (cont’d):
Standards Follow standardisation groups through other EGEE activities: Activity leaders (or other interfaces to NA5) to prepare an inventory of EGEE participation in working groups (GGF and other) Keep track of contributions for next technical review International contributions and visibility Cooperation with US, Japan initiatives Participation in conferences and workshops iGrid September, California SC November All Activity Meeting, May 2005, CERN
NA5 comments from review
Matti’s slide from the previous AAM Encouragement to “fulfill and take advantages of its responsibilities” to the Grid community Higher visibility in scientific conferences! Direct links from EGEE to national initiatives outside EU Recommendation: more standardization work Encourage people to attend, chair groups, help write standards. Detailed comment about a picture in the DNA5.1.2 Not important in itself - but it was obviously not clear to all reviewers that EGEE didn’t produce all of the text in the eIRG White Paper. All Activity Meeting, May 2005, CERN
Thank you! For more information Related information:
Related information: All Activity Meeting, May 2005, CERN
15 Month Plan, evolution Matti’s slide from the previous AAM
Uncertainties: Shape the concertation activities will take Grid research, grid and networking infrastructures Links between the above two, links with other initiatives Input: report on concertation efforts, a “new” deliverable. The future of the eIRG Certainties: NA5 needs more organic contact with other activities. External structures and contacts are in place, now there is an opportunity to look for synergies. NA5 plans need to be flexible also in the future Policy work is unpredictable - time for consensus-forming is measured in years, political crisis can emerge in days Challenges: Division of labor Between NA5 and other activities, inside NA5 Manpower issues All Activity Meeting, May 2005, CERN
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