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Lesson 2.1a Addition Number Stories

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 2.1a Addition Number Stories"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 2.1a Addition Number Stories
Common Core Focus 2.OA.1. Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.1 Lesson INSERT ADDITION BAR MODELING PRACTICE (tchr video on bar modeling) Practice simple word problems using counters, grids and pictorial rep of bar models Ind practice D1.2, P1.2 HW: R 1.2 Manipulatives Number Grid Counters Slate board Bar modeling flashcards (on wiki)

2 Change and Wholes Compa R e
Bar Modeling Teaches The Importance of Language When Solving Math Problems Compa R e Change Parts Parts Parts Parts Parts Parts and Wholes

3 Bar Modeling- Scaffolding the Notion of Proportion
Number Model: _____________+_____________=_____________ _____________=_____________+_____________

4 Bar Modeling Number Model: _____________+_____________=_____________

5 Bar Modeling Number Model: _____________+_____________=_____________

6 Bar Models Provide a Foundation For Algebraic Understanding
Fred has 6 toys. Mary has 2 toys. How many toys do they have altogether? T 6 2 T is the same as 6+2 T=6+2 T=8 There are 8 toys altogether.

7 Bar Modeling- Part/Part Whole
Number Model: _____________+_____________=_____________ _____________-_____________=______________

8 Part/Part/Whole = + 1st Part 2nd Part End
There were 4 butterflies and 2 ladybugs sitting on a branch. How many insects were sitting on the branch?

9 Bar Modeling-Part/Part/Whole
(6) 1st Part (4) 2nd Part (2) Number Model: 4+2=6 6-4=2 6-2=4

10 Bar Modeling: Part/Part/Whole
Whole Unknown # Story There were 2 apples and 8 bananas in the fruit bowl? How many pieces of fruit were in the bowl? X=2+8 First Part Unknown Jim had 10 brothers and sisters. How many sisters did he have if head 2 brothers? 10=x+2 Second Part Unknown Jim had 10 brothers and sisters. If he had 5 brothers, how many sisters did he have? 10=5+x X 2 8 10 x 2 10 5 x

11 Bar Modeling: Part/Part/Whole
Whole Unknown Picture First Part Unknown Second Part Unknown

12 Bar Modeling: Part/Part/Whole
Whole Unknown Number Model First Part Unknown Second Part Unknown

13 Bar Modeling: Part/Part/Whole
Whole Unknown Picture First Part Unknown Second Part Unknown

14 Bar Modeling: Part/Part/Whole
Whole Unknown Number Model First Part Unknown Second Part Unknown

15 Bar Modeling: Part/Part/Whole
Whole Unknown # Story ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ First Part Unknown Second Part Unknown

16 Bar Modeling: Part/Part/Whole- Whole Unknown

17 Bar Modeling: Part/Part/Whole- Whole Unknown
Number Model

18 Bar Modeling: Part/Part/Whole- Whole Unknown
# Story ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

19 Bar Modeling: Part/Part/Whole- First Part Unknown

20 Bar Modeling: Part/Part/Whole- First Part Unknown
Number Model

21 Bar Modeling: Part/Part/Whole- First Part Unknown
# Story ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

22 Bar Modeling: Part/Part/Whole—Second Part Unknown

23 Bar Modeling: Part/Part/Whole—Second Part Unknown
Number Model

24 Bar Modeling: Part/Part/Whole—Second Part Unknown
# Story ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

25 Part/Part/Whole Number Stories
First Part Second Part Whole

26 Addition and Subtraction- Change
You start with an amount You add or subtract an amount You end with a total amount Beginning Change End Addition Part Add (join) a Part Total Subtraction Subtract (separate) a Part

27 Addition Problems: Change Bar Modeling
End Beginning Change Number Model: _____________+_____________=_____________

28 Change-Addition = + Start Change End
4 butterflies were sitting on a branch. 2 more landed on the branch. How many butterflies were on the branch now?

29 Addition Problems: Change Bar Modeling
End (6) Beginning (4) Change (2) I Number Model: 4+2=6

30 Bar Modeling: Joining (Addition- Change) Samples
Total Amount Unknown # Story The team had 8 runs. They scored 2 more. How many do they have in all? 8+2=x Amount Joined Unknown John has $2 in his piggy bank. He needs $10 to buy the new toy he wants. How much more does he need to save to have enough money? 2+x=10 Initial Amount Unknown Mary added 5 books to her library. Now she has 10 books in her library. How many books did she start with? X+5=10 x 8 2 10 2 x 10 x 5

31 Bar Modeling: Joining (Addition-change)
Total Amount Unknown Picture Amount Joined Unknown Initial Amount Unknown

32 Bar Modeling: Joining (Addition-Change)
Total Amount Unknown Number Model Amount Joined Unknown Initial Amount Unknown

33 Bar Modeling: Joining (Addition-Change)
Total Amount Unknown # Story ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Amount Joined Unknown Initial Amount Unknown

34 Bar Modeling: Joining (Addition-Change)- Total Amount Unknown

35 Bar Modeling: Joining (Addition-Change)- Total Amount Unknown
Number Model

36 Bar Modeling: Joining (Addition-Change)- Total Amount Unknown
# Story ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

37 Bar Modeling: Joining (Addition-Change)- Amount Joined Unknown

38 Bar Modeling: Joining (Addition-Change)- Amount Joined Unknown
Number Model

39 Bar Modeling: Joining (Addition-Change)- Amount Joined Unknown
# Story ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

40 Bar Modeling: Joining (Addition-Change)- Initial Amount Unknown

41 Bar Modeling: Joining (Addition-Change)- Initial Amount Unknown
Number Model

42 Bar Modeling: Joining (Addition-Change)- Initial Amount Unknown
# Story ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

43 Change- Addition Number Stories
Initial Amount Amount Joined Total

44 Bar Modeling- Subtraction-Change
Beginning Change End Number Model: _____________-_____________=_____________

45 Change-Subtraction = - Start Change End
There were 4 butterflies sitting on a branch. 2 flew away. How many were left?

46 Bar Modeling- Subtraction-Change
Beginning (5) Change (2) End (3) Number Model: 5-2=3

47 Bar Modeling: Separating (Subtraction-Change)
Amount Remaining Unknown # Story Suzie had $10. She spent $8 on lunch. How much money does she have left over? 10-8=x Amount Separated Unknown John had to read 10 books over the summer. He only has 2 left to read. How many books did he read? 10-x=8 Initial Amount Unknown Jim ate 5 cookies out of the box. He only has 5 left. How many were in the box? X-5=5 10 8 x 10 x 8 x 5

48 Bar Modeling: Separating (Subtraction-Change)
Amount Remaining Unknown Picture Amount Separated Unknown Initial Amount Unknown

49 Bar Modeling: Separating (Subtraction-Change)
Amount Remaining Unknown Number Model Amount Separated Unknown Initial Amount Unknown

50 Bar Modeling: Separating (Subtraction-Change)
Amount Remaining Unknown # Story ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Amount Separated Unknown Initial Amount Unknown

51 Bar Modeling: Separating (Subtraction-Change)- Initial Amount Unknown

52 Bar Modeling: Separating (Subtraction-Change)- Initial Amount Unknown
Number Model

53 Bar Modeling: Separating (Subtraction-Change)- Initial Amount Unknown
# Story ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

54 Bar Modeling: Separating (Subtraction-Change) Amount Remaining Unknown

55 Amount Remaining Unknown
Bar Modeling: Separating (Subtraction-Change)- Amount Remaining Unknown Amount Remaining Unknown Number Model

56 Amount Remaining Unknown
Bar Modeling: Separating (Subtraction-Change)- Amount Remaining Unknown Amount Remaining Unknown # Story ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

57 Amount Separated Unknown
Bar Modeling: Separating (Subtraction-Change)- Amount Separated Unknown Amount Separated Unknown # Story ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

58 Change- Subtraction Number Stories
Initial Amount Amount Separated Amount Remaining

59 Warning, Warning! There are 3 types of addition/subtraction problems: change, part/part/whole and comparison. Change and part/part whole problems are based on the concepts of parts building wholes. COMPARISON PROBLEMS DO NOT! COMPARISON PROBLEMS ARE BASED ON FINDING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TWO PARTS

60 Bar Modeling- Multiplication
LARGER AMOUNT SMALLER AMOUNT DIFFERENCE Number Model: _________-__________=_________ (more or less)

61 Bar Modeling- Comparison
Larger Smaller Amount Amount - = Jim has 5 butterflies. Mary has 2. How many more butterflies does Jim have than Mary?

62 Comparison Number Model: 5-2=3 Larger Amount (5) Smaller Amount (2)
Difference 3 More Number Model: 5-2=3

63 Bar Modeling Number Model: __________________________=_____________

64 Bar Modeling: Comparison- All
Amount More (or Less) Unknown x # Story Ted has 10 crayons. Neil has 4 crayons. How many more crayons does Ted have than Neil? How many fewer crayons does Neil have than Ted? 10-4=x Smaller Amount Unknown 6 Ted had 10 crayons. Neil has 6 less than Ted. How many crayons does Neil have? 10-6=x Larger Part Unknown 5 Ted Has 5 crayons. Neil has 5 more than Ted. How many crayons does Neil have? 5+5=x 10 4 10 x x 5

65 Bar Modeling: Comparison- Smaller Amount Unknown

66 Bar Modeling: Comparison- Smaller Amount Unknown
Number Model

67 Bar Modeling: Comparison- Smaller Amount Unknown
# Story ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

68 Bar Modeling: Comparison- Amount More (or less) Unknown

69 Bar Modeling: Comparison- Amount More (or less) Unknown
Number Model

70 Bar Modeling: Comparison- Amount More (or less) Unknown
# Story ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

71 Bar Modeling: Comparison- Larger Unknown

72 Bar Modeling: Comparison- Larger Unknown
Number Model

73 Bar Modeling: Comparison- Larger Part Unknown
# Story ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

74 Comparison Number Stories- How Many More?
Smaller Amount Larger Amount How Many More?

75 Comparison Number Stories- How Many Less?
Larger Amount Smaller Amount How Many More?

76 Lesson 2.1b Addition Number Stories Continued
Common Core Focus 2.OA.1. Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.1 Lesson Mental Math and Reflexes: use # grid- discuss strategies (Part 1) All: (no p/p/t or change to more…use bar modeling) -Have students write own stories - students should use counters and bar models to show problem (Part 3) All: Do after pt 1…more practice writing/modeling word problems (Part 2) All: number grid- ask “How can our 100 number grid help us with the bottom of page 22?” *Substitute bar modeling diagrams for part-part-whole. Manipulatives Number Grid Counters Slates

77 Number Grids Start Number Count On (+) End Number

78 Lesson 2.2a Review Easy Addition Facts
Common Core Focus 2.OA.2. Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies.2 By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers Lesson Mental Math and Reflexes: use bar model diagrams/counters/number line: show different ways to find answer (w/o an algorithm) Part 1–No Beat the Calculator, Do just +1, +0, Part 2- J pg 25…use number line to answer +0, +1, Students can make bar model flash cards for these facts (see wiki) -Math Boxes (no calculator) Use a number line to solve problems; find a “floor” number line or table number line. Facts should be acquired in this order: +0, +1, doubles, +9, doubles +1, doubles +2 Manipulatives Number Lines

79 Complete The Number Line Learning Goal- use your knowledge of place value to correctly order numbers along a number line Look at the beginning numbers. Use your knowledge of place value to fill in the rest of the numbers along the number line.

80 Number Grids Start Number Count On (+) End Number

81 Part/Part/Whole Flashcards


83 Commutative Property (Turn Around Rule)
Fact Turn Around Fact

84 Getting Ready- Fact Shortcuts
Example Notice, ,Think, Wonder Turn- Around Facts (Commutative Property) +1 +0 Doubles +9 Doubles +1 Doubles +2

85 Lesson 2.2b Common Core Focus
2.OA.2. Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies. By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers Lesson (Part 3) from 2.2 All Use bar modeling to solve each other’s story problems. Practice facts: +1, +2….practice with flash cards and number line. Play Do Manipulatives Number llines Flash cards

86 Domino Top-It Player 1 Player 2 4 < 6 5 = >

87 Domino Top It- Comparison Bar Modeling
6 4 Difference=2 6 is 2 more than 4 5 No difference: 5=5

88 Balanced Equations (Turn Around Equations)
< = >

89 Bar Model Number Model _____+_____=_____l

90 Lesson 2.3a Doubles Facts Common Core Focus
2.OA.2. Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies. By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers Lesson Mental Math and Reflexes: discuss different strategies…have students tell how the got the answer…NOT “I did it in my head” Show on # line, # grid, drawing proofs (draw longs/cubes on boards, put together to find sum) Part 3- Readiness Activity/Enrichment…can do all together or small groups, can also have students find all doubles dominoes- write down fact- (Part1) All: Do not teach Doubles or Nothing…play a top it game instead (Part 2) All (No game- play Domino Top-It instead) Math Boxes- no calc for #2 Materials Dominoes


92 Double Fact Bar Models Sum

93 Lesson 2.3c Odd and Even Common Core Focus Lesson
*May be helpful to make the connection that all sums of doubles facts are even since they are made up of two equal parts. Mental math: D 5.6 Math Message: Using unifix cubes find out if the digits 1-10 are even or odd. (in notebooks, list all even numbers- and their equal parts, then list the odd numbers) Then do some double digits: 18 (let students work with cubes- 10 is always even, so the ones place is what will help us know if number is even/odd) Try 15…etc Ind practice: P 5.6 and/or E 5.6 HW R 5.6 Manipulatives Unifix cubes **even/odd has been moved to 2nd grade

94 Numbers and Their Double: Odd or Even?
1 Odd 1+1=2 even

95 Problem Solving Activity

96 Lesson 2.4: Turn Around Facts and +9
Common Core Focus 2.OA.2. Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies.2 By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers Lesson Mental Math and Reflexes: use # line, discuss various strategies Part 3: Do FIRST with everyone! Use 10 Frames and counters (can be found on wiki, or can find various free books/ideas on google) Part 1: All Part 2: All: Instead of Beat Calc, play a Top-it Game: have students jot down every time they used doubles, doubles +1 or the +9 strategy to help them solve the problem Manipulatives 10 Frames, counters, cards

97 Using 10’s for +9 Facts Make It! Number Model _____+9 = _____+10-1 =

98 Number Grid- Subtraction (+9): +10, -1
Problem Start Number +10 -1 4+9=s 4 14 S=13

99 Using 10’s for +8 Facts Make It! Number Model _____+8 = _____+10+2 =

100 Number Grid- Subtraction (+8): +10, -2
Problem Start Number +10 -2 4+8=s 4 14 S=12

101 Lesson 2.5a: Addition Strategies That Use Double Facts
Common Core Focus 2.OA.2. Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies.2 By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers Lesson Mental Math and Reflexes Part 1: All: as students find doubles +1,+2, have them write them out as 3 addends: 4+4+2=4+6…use counters or 10 Frames to show Part 2: All and can try all boxes (3) NO Manipulatives Counters 10 Frames

102 Use The Facts You know Like a Bridge To Solve The Facts You Don’t Know
Use The Facts You know Like a Bridge To Solve The Facts You Don’t Know! Doubles Facts +1, +2 4+5=4+4+1 4+6=4+4+2

103 Doubles +1, Doubles +2 Original Number Double Fact Double Fact +1
4 4+4=8 4+5=4+4+1 4+4+1=8+1 8+1=9 4+6=4+4+2 4+4+2=8+2 8+2=10

104 Doubles -1, Doubles -2 Original Number Double Fact Double Fact +1
4 4+4=8 4+3=4+4-1 4+4+1=8-1 8-1=7 4+2=4+4-2 4+4-2=8-2 8-2=6

105 Double Fact +1 Bar Models

106 Double Fact +2 Bar Models

107 Lesson 2.5b: Adding 3 Numbers
Common Core Focus 2.OA.2. Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies.2 By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers Lesson - Review strategies from previous day using 3 addends. Put on board to solve. Discuss different strategies for solving: Why did some do 7+7 first, why might someone do 7+2 first then add on 7? (+9 strategy) Practice problems with 3 addends…discuss “easy” ways to solve: try to find a 10, try to find a double. Use 10 frames, counter to help solve Ind practice: D 2.5, P 2.5, (if some students are secure…they can work on E 2.5, but must WRITE about a strategy they used for each problem.) HW: R 2.5 Manipulatives 10 Frames, counters

108 Use The Facts You know Like a Bridge To Solve The Facts You Don’t Know
Use The Facts You know Like a Bridge To Solve The Facts You Don’t Know! Making 10’s 4+7=4+6+1 4+8=4+6+2

109 Making 10’s Write It! Make It! Join Them- Total Smaller Part
Larger Part

110 Make a 10, Add The Rest If you know your compliments of 10:
And some of your basic facts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3+0=3 3+1=4 3+2=5 3+3=6 3+4=7

111 Make A Ten, Add Some More 3 Addends 10 Fact Answer 4+6 4+6+0 10+0 10
4+7 4+6+1 10+1 11 4+8 4+6+2 10+2 12 4+9 4+6+3 10+3 13 4+10 4+10+0 10+4 14 4+11 4+10+1 10+5 15 4+12 4+10+2 10+6 16 4+17 4+16+1 17+3+1 20+1 21 4+18 4+16+2 18+2+2 20+2 22

112 It’s Easy To Make A 10 and Add The rest!
7+3 7+4 =7+ (3+1) 7+3+1=10+1 7+5 =7+3+2 7+3+2=10+2 7+6 =7+3+3 7+3+3=10+3 7+7=7+3+4 7+3+4=10+4

113 Make A 10, Add Some More Make It!

114 Number Grid- 3 Addends First Number + = Number Model

115 Lesson 2.6 Subtraction From Addition
Common Core Focus 2.OA.2. Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies.2 By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers Lesson MMR Pt 3: Readiness only: use as warm up: discuss, write strategies Message Pt. 1: use bar modeling and dominoes Pt. 2 Boxes: no #2 Manipulatives Dominoes, Bar Model Flashcards

116 Problem Solving Activity

117 Lesson 2.7a: Fact Families
Common Core Focus 2.OA.2. Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies.2 By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers Lesson MMR: discuss words that mean to “take away”, use counters to show the “take away” Part 3: Readiness: some who are ready could make stories to go with counter problems -Part 1 HW R 3.5

118 Part/Part/Whole Flashcards


120 Lesson 2.7b Fact Families Continued
Common Core Focus 2.OA.2. Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies.2 By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers Lesson Warm up: write fact families using dominoes -Part 2 pg 37 model w/bar models and counters -Math box: no 4 HW: R 3.3 Manipulatives Dominoeas

121 Part/Part/Whole Flashcards


123 Lesson 2.9 Name Collection Boxes
Common Core Focus 2.OA.2. Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies.2 By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers Lesson Warm up: write fact families using dominoes -Part 2 pg 37 model w/bar models and counters -Math box: no 4 HW: R 3.3

124 Name That Number Number Name #1 Name #2 Name #3

125 Equivalent Names For Numbers
Draw It Expanded Form 3 Addends

126 Equivalent Names For Numbers
Starting Number Equivalent Names Bar Model

127 Lesson 2.10: Frames and Arrows: Skip Counting
Common Core Focus 2.NBT.2. Count within 1000; skip-count by 5s, 10s, and 100s. Lesson -No frames and arrows -part 3 do readiness -Practice counting by 5’s, 10’s and 100’s: 2.NBT.2: count by 5, 10,100 to 1000 -use number grids - use base 10 blocks to model…start from various numbers… - students should show/explain using both blocks and grid -do part 2, no box 4 HW: R 5.5 Manipulatives Number grids Base 10 blocks

128 Complete The Number Line
Complete each number line below by skip counting from the beginning number 5 10 100

129 Counting by 10’s

130 Lesson 2.11 Function Machines
Common Core Focus 2.NBT.5. Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. Lesson MMR Message: use counters/10 frames to solve Part 1: Keep function boxes with emphasis on patterning and problem solving Part 2: Boxes: 2, 3,4, 6(can try 1 and 5) HW: 2.11

131 Number Grids In Rule Out

132 Lesson 2.12 Counting Strategies
Common Core Focus 2.OA.2. Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies., know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers. 2.NBT.5. Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. 2.NBT.9. Explain why addition and subtraction strategies work, using place value and the properties of operations. Lesson Part 3: Use this part for games -MMR -Math message- do multiples ex. Have kids write some sub. # stories to match a subtraction story -part 1 -part 2 -do boxes no #4 -Homelink

133 Subtraction- Counting Up and Down The Number Grid
Start Number Count Back (-) End Number

134 Subtraction- Counting Up and Down On The Number Line
Complete each number line below by skip counting from the beginning number 5 14 14-5=x 14-5=9

135 Subtraction- Counting Up and Down The Number Line
Complete each number line below by skip counting from the beginning number

136 Lesson 2.13: Shortcuts For Harder Subtraction Facts
Common Core Focus 2.OA.2. Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies., know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers. 2.NBT.5. Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. 2.NBT.9. Explain why addition and subtraction strategies work, using place value and the properties of operations. Lesson MMR Message Pt 3 Readiness Pt 1 Pt 2 Boxes: #3- no roman numerals Homelink

137 10 Frame Subtraction- Make A 10, Count Some More
Make It!

138 Using 10’s for -9 Facts Make It! Number Model _____-9 = _____-10+1 =

139 Number Grid- Subtraction (-9): -10, +1
Problem Start Number -10 +1 14-9=s 14 4 S=5

140 10 Frame Subtraction- Make A 10, Count Some More
Make It!

141 Using 10’s for -8 Facts Make It! Number Model _____-8 = _____-10+2 =

142 Number Grid- Subtraction (-8): -10, +2
Problem Start Number -10 +2 14-8=s 14 4 S=6

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