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VUHID Project Q3/2009 Boca Chart

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1 VUHID Project Q3/2009 Boca Chart
Content Pressures Added Identify funding options Establish beta test sites Engage EMPI vendors and systems integrators Engage health information exchanges Overcome industry un- certainty due to reform SW development continues at a slow pace VUHID server is functional Presentations at TEPR & HIMSS Various marketing pieces are now in place HIE benefits calculator created HIMSS article on patient identity integrity in process, includes VUHID capabilities description Two other articles on VUHID are in process Deleted & Changed Deemphasize grant funding in favor of signing contracts Dependencies Packaging Editions Develop a spectrum of operational beta sites Milestones Secure server established and operational Initial contract signed Web ADT interface created Statistics Over 150 million test VUHID identifiers issued

2 Major Dates and Deliverables 3Q2009
12 Month Rolling Plan Major Dates and Deliverables 3Q2009 3Q10 Initiate aggressive marketing 2Q10 1Q10 GPII emerges from financial ‘hibernation’ 4Q09 Continue beta test site development 3Q09 Recruit beta test sites

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