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Headwinds and Tailwinds

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Presentation on theme: "Headwinds and Tailwinds"— Presentation transcript:

1 Headwinds and Tailwinds

2 Learning Targets I can identify paradigms that are “headwinds” and “tailwinds.” I can evaluate their impact on me and hypothesize ways to create a more inclusive viewpoint. Success Criteria I can identify three headwinds and tailwinds in my own life. I can evaluate how headwinds and tailwinds impact my life. I can identify privilege in my life and how these privileges can impact myself and others. I can self-reflect on the process and identify next steps.

3 Gratitude and Grumblings
Last class we talked about paradigms, the way we view ourselves and others. These views can often cause us to feel either very pleased with ourselves or picked on by the universe. Sometimes we just want to share our celebrations and the things that are causing us any issues. What are three gratitudes and three grumblings that you’re currently having?

4 On your notecard “My life is relatively easy. I have a lot to be thankful for and a lot that I enjoy.” Put your name on the top right hand corner of the card Respond to this statement with how much you agree, disagree, or question it. “My life is relatively easy. I have a lot to be thankful for and a lot that I enjoy.”

5 Listen/Read A headwind can ruin your day and make you eat a bug!
As you use the text, identify tailwinds and headwinds in your own life. What are things that make life easier or more challenging. What impact do these headwinds and tailwinds have on your life? Tailwinds make everything seem to be just a bit smoother!

6 Your group has been given a deck of cards
Your group has been given a deck of cards. The first group to arrange their deck of cards as asked may win a prize

7 Arrange the cards from 2 to Ace

8 Arrange your deck by suit (clubs, spades, hearts, diamonds)

9 Debrief Does this game seem fair? Why or why not?
How does the deck you have make the game seem more or less fair? How is it a headwind or a tailwind? Under what circumstance could your deck “win?” How does this game reflect a message about people’s lives?

10 We’re going to be doing an activity that challenges our idea of headwinds and tailwinds

11 At no point is anything in this activity intended to make you feel limited

12 Navigate to and login
(you can use a fake name if you want, but only I am going to see your results tied to your name)

13 How did this activity challenge your thinking about your life?
How did this activity challenge the paradigm you have about yourself? Your class? Your community? What are things you could do to address these issues for yourself? Your class? Your community? How can recognizing these things make us better people personally and in our community?

14 On your notecard: How did today’s activities challenge or confirm the way you view your headwinds and tailwinds? What’s one thing you learned today?

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