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24 August 2017 Get out your agenda and interview notes

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1 24 August 2017 Get out your agenda and interview notes
Warm-up: How did you interview go last night? How many questions did you get answered? Do you think the answers you got were enough to write about? Why or why not?

2 Exemplar Interview Narrative
Read/annotate for the following: Hearts: How is the DICTION? Indicate 3 examples. Diamonds: How is the SYNTAX? Complex sentences? Fragments? Give two examples. Spades: Is there IMAGERY? Where? Give 3 examples. Clubs: Is this in proper MLA FORMAT? How? Everyone: Does she use QUOTES from her mother? How are they punctuated? Copy down 3 quotes. Everyone: What COMING OF AGE MOMENTS does the writer’s mother have? List them. Everyone: What does the writer TAKE AWAY from the interview?

3 Drafting your Interview Narrative Draft due TOMORROW!!
Introduction: include a description of the person you have interviewed (see sample). 1st body paragraph: tell about the person’s overall experience in high school 2nd /maybe 3rd body paragraph/s: describe their “coming of age” moment Be sure to describe in detail at least one incident from the person’s high school days Use vivid imagery, careful diction, and a mix of direct and indirect quotations to convey a sense of the interviewee’s voice in your narrative. • Conclusion: predict how you can use what you learned from the interview as you experience high school yourself.

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