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Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin

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1 Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin
GSA National Meeting 2016, Paper 200-9 Subsidence patterns and tectonic drivers of deformation revealed from carbonate-carbon isotopes: the case of the Early Pennsylvanian Ely-Bird Spring Basin Daniel M. Sturmer Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin

2 Tectonic framework… Modified from Trexler et al., 2003, 2004

3 Cyclothems = M.S./W.S. =P.S./G.S. =Cover
Grindstone Mountain, Elko County Grindstone Mountain, Elko County

4 Atokan Latest Miss. ~315 Ma ~323 Ma
Ron Blakey, 2005,

5 Challenges Indian Springs, Clark County Gass Peak, Clark County
Lee Canyon, Clark County Grindstone Mountain, Elko County Arrow Canyon, Clark County Illipah Reservoir, White Pine County


7 Study area Nevada Ely Basin Bird Spring Basin ? MH
Modified from Stewart and Carlson, 1977




11 Morrowan to Ma

12 Atokan – 318.8 to Ma

13 Modified from Dickinson and Lawton (2003)

14 Figure courtesy of Ron Blakey

15 Tectonic subsidence EBSB + western ARM basins Xie and Heller, 2009


17 ? Modified from Dickinson and Lawton (2003)

18 Thank you

19 Acknowledgments Funding National Science Foundation
Nevada Petroleum Society ExxonMobil Corporation Geological Society of America University of Nevada, Reno, DGSE and MSESE Jim Trexler Simon Poulson and Chris Sladek Pat Cashman, Gina Tempel, Paula Noble, Jill Heaton, Bob Sheridan Walt Snyder, Vladimir Davydov Maggie Townsend, Sig Drellack, and Greg Doyle at the Nevada National Security Site

20 Acknowledgments Field Assistants Ross Whitmore Rachel Dolbier
Gwen Linde

21 Acknowledgments Nicole Buckhouse, Danielle Villa, Amy Maldonado, Chuang Xuan, Yuxi (Ivy) Jin, Garrett Vice Maggie Creek Ranch Sandy and Bob Miller, Laura Heubner Ron Blakey, Emeritus NAU Geology Matt Saltzman, Kate Tierney, Alexa Sedlacek, Lynn Soreghan, Isabel Montañez, Lauren Greene Martin, Scott Ritter, John Groves, Tom Anderson, Wanda Taylor, Cal Stevens, Paul Stone, Andrew Hanson, Ganqing Jiang, Tamra Schiappa Jerry and Nancy Sturmer, family and friends

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