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Autism and Residual Language Deficits

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Presentation on theme: "Autism and Residual Language Deficits"— Presentation transcript:

1 Autism and Residual Language Deficits
Aylin Küntay Language and Communicative Disorders Meeting 9

2 Recovery is possible But only outcome measures are global cognitive measures and classroom placement Language outcomes? “optimal-outcome” children Diagnosis between 1 and 5 years of age and functioning well in school now

3 Tests TACL (Auditory comprehension of language)
Expressive one-word picture vocabulary test Stanford-Binet memory for sentences Wug test of productive morphology

4 Tests Understanding of complex syntax Verb argument structure
Medial wh-phrases How did the girl know what to take to school? Verb argument structure Noah’s Ark sentence enactment test Verb compliance vs. frame compliance

5 Tests Categorical induction task
Prediction on the basis of same category Rabbits love chocolate; this is another rabbit that looks different; does it love chocolate? Certainty differences between mental state verbs Think vs. know vs. guess ToM Unexpected location Unexpected contents Narrative capability (the frog story) Many narrative variables, p. 814

6 Results What are the residual deficits?

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