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Unit 5 Music Speaking and writing.

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1 Unit 5 Music Speaking and writing

2 I. Warming up 1. What music bands do you know from this unit?
The Beatles; The Monkees ; Freddy’s band 2. Do you want to form a band? If so, what do you need to consider?

3 Warming up Discussion Expressions for making suggestions
1. I’d like to suggest … 2. Let me say that … 3. How/What about …? 4. What do you think …? 5. Let’s … 6. What if we …? 7. Why don’t we …? 8. I think we should … 9. Maybe we could … I’d like to suggest Chinese folk music. What if we use the name “Moonlight”?

4 companions piano main singer (lead vocals) musicians drum instruments guitar bass guitar band name a music band the kind of music pop music orchestra folk music country music rap classical music rock ‘n’ roll

5 II. Pre-writing Expressions to ask for suggestions
1. Could you please give us some advice? 2. I would like to know … 3. How are we to do …? 4. How/What about …? How did/do you …? 6. How to do …? Should we do …? What if we …? 9. What do you think …?

6 Pre-writing Translate the following sentences into English using the expressions to ask for suggestions. 1. 我想知道我们怎样选择要表演的音乐。 I would like to know how we should choose the music we want to play. 2. 我们将如何决定要表演什么? How are we to decide what to play? 3.我们应该仅仅表演一种音乐形式吗? Should we only play one kind of music?

7 Pre-writing Letters of advice are different from ordinary letters.
They explain the situation. They ask a question. They politely ask for an answer.

8 Pre-writing Read the sample letter and analyze its structure.
Dear Freddy, My name is Li Hua. I’m beginning a band with my friends. However, we have never been in a band before. Can you please give us some advice? I would like to know how we should choose the music we want to play. I like pop music, but most of my friends like rock and roll. Only Liu Mei likes rap. How are we to decide what to play? Do you suggest we play a little of all of these types

9 Pre-writing A sample letter
of music? Or should we only play one kind of music? How did you and your friends decide what to play together? I would also like to know how to choose a name for our band. I like the name The Chopsticks because that means working together. Wang Jun wants us to be called The Legs because there are four of us like the legs of a chair. What do you think? Yours hopefully, Li Hua

10 Pre-writing Structure of the letter
Dear Freddy, —————————polite greeting Paragraph 1 ————————— the situation Paragraph 2 ——the problem in your band + Q1 Paragraph 3 ——another problem + Q2 Yours sincerely/hopefully, ————polite ending Li Hua ————————————your name

11 III. Writing Evaluation form Points 5 4 or 3 2 or 1 Form of letter
Right Some errors Mainly wrong Expressions used Correct Many errors Grammar Handwriting Good Not bad Bad Total marks

12 IV. Homework Revise your letter according to your partner’s suggestions and the teacher’s instructions.

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