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Alexandre Kossoy Philippe Ambrosi

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1 Alexandre Kossoy Philippe Ambrosi

2 Overall Market showed resilience
(in Billion US$) 144 135 65 31 11 0.7 2

3 Allowances up, offsets down
(in Billion US$) +1000% Assigned Amount Units RGGI JI 2.0 2.2 .35 EU ETS Allowances 118.5 -33% +626% CDM Secondary CDM 2.7 17.5 +18% -59% Chicago Climate Exchange .05 Voluntary .12 New South Wales Certificates .34

4 EU ETS: mainstreamed in the EU
EUA, secondary CER & primary CER prices (€ per tCO2e, strip) Long Phase II with lower industrial activities; (-11% emissions in 2009) EUA sell-off raises cash in credit-tight environment Haunted by challenges, swift response EUAs sCERs pCERs 4

5 CDM & JI Market Value Halved
volume (MtCO2e) price (US$/tCO2e) Activity declined markedly reduced compliance needs less origination by intermediaries competition with AAUs uncertainty on post-2012 rules Price declined too, but did not collapse interest in sound and viable projects How long will CDM & JI continue to catalyze low-carbon investment? 5

6 CDM & JI Buyers 2009 6

7 Who’s selling ? 2009 (share of volumes) 7

8 CDM Sectors 2009 8

9 Contracted (risk- adjusted)
Low Residual Demand 2012 demand down 25% to 1.22 billion tCO2e 1.18 billion tCO2e contracted 1.02 billion CERs & ERUs contracted (risk-adjusted) 163 million AAUs contracted Not all have purchased what they need: residual demand of 230 MtCO2e Large post-2012 headroom under EU Package (and other initiatives)… 2,127 MtCO2e AAU 230 MtCO2e, mostly from EU governments 1,181 MtCO2e 1,222 MtCO2e CDM & JI AAU CDM & JI Contracted (nominal) Contracted (risk- adjusted) KM Demand 9

10 Navigating a bottom-up, fragmented carbon market
After E. Fages, 2010 Stop-gap solution while international negotiations do not pick up Powerful, bottom-up drive leading to broader local acceptance and participation Low liquidity and inefficiencies without fungibility across regimes Long maturity time with large capacity needs

11 Full report available at
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