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SIS100 quadrupole status S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, 26-27 May, 2014 1.

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Presentation on theme: "SIS100 quadrupole status S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, 26-27 May, 2014 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIS100 quadrupole status S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 1

2 JINR – GSI Collaboration Meeting 6-7, Feb, 2014, GSI
Scope of the work packages is reviewed, responsibilities are fixed Protocol signed S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 2

3 Scope of the work --- JINR resp.
S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 3

4 S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G
S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 4

5 Scope of the work --- GSI resp.
S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 5

6 SC cable (correctors + main quads)
SC wires 0.8 mm diameter for main quads cable – procurement by JINR Need to fix the specification Procurement of the 0.5mm SC wires – by GSI SC cable (correctors + main quads) Will be done in JINR using the facility cable machine S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 6

7 Magnets steel Temperature sensors
Steel type M A Provided by GSI - no export restrictions All steel --- one batch from one melt ! Temperature sensors to be supplied by GSI same sensors for the testing of units and machine operation sensors shall not be removed after testing if possible JINR need the sensors specification with connection scheme S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 7

8 Quality assurance Magnet Testing @ Cold JINR will develop QA plan
JINR will define and present QA person to GSI QA JINR will develop QA plan GSI QA will check acceptance of Russian certificates to EU regulations QA requirements need to be formulated & compiled by joint group JINR QA + GSI QA Magnet Cold Specification sent to JINR Need to be fixed and approved to GSI & JINR Collaboration in the obtained results on SIS100 & NICA Booster dipoles measurements can be useful S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 8

9 JINR consider that this schedule is optimistic
Schedule (GSI) Pre-series unit Delivery of all information GSI -> JINR Mar 2014 Manufacturing design review – approval Aug 2014 Production preparation completed Jun Magnet units accepted (FAT) May 2015 Magnet units cold tests start Magnet units cold tests end Sep Magnet units accepted Oct Series units Start of production May 2016 Start of testing Jul End of production May 2018 End of testing Jun Production rate 7 per month JINR consider that this schedule is optimistic Start of work is delayed by the absence of a signed contract for the units production and the detailed drawings and specifications We expect MAC in the recommendations will point to GSI workgroup together with JINR team to fix the content & essential conditions of the contract and the date of its signing S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 9

10 171 quadrupole units must be assembled and testes in the JINR facility for SIS 100
S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 10

11 40 dipole magnets for the NICA booster
48 quadrupole magnets with multipole correctors for the NICA booster 171 quadrupole magnets with multipole correctors for the SIS100 synchrotron (FAIR project) 80 dipole magnets for the NICA collider 86 quadrupole magnets with multipole correctors for the NICA collider S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 11

12 Facility layout Three of the test besches will be available for testing SIS100 quadrupole units S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 12

13 Status of JINR Facility cable machine assembled & tested
hall for production of superconducting windings S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 13

14 Satellite refrigerator assembled & tested
15 kA power supply assembled & tested S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 14

15 Nidrogen & Helium supply systems are ready
Water cooling system, Nidrogen & Helium supply systems are ready S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 15

16 1st feed box with HTS current leads is under assembling to start tests of the facility 1st stage
S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 16

17 Conclusions Construction of the JINR SC magnets test facility going on close to the initial project schedule. Launch of the 1st stage of the facility and first magnet cold will be done in June-July 2014 JINR is ready for production and testing of the 1st SIS100 QU on facility equipment. We are waiting of the QU technical specifications and drawings. We expect MAC in the recommendations will point to GSI workgroup together with JINR team to fix the content & essential conditions of the contract and the date of its signing S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 17

18 Thank you Jun-Jul, 2014 Assembling of facility 1st stage – minimal
configuration for cryogenic tests Thank you S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 18

19 Backup slides S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 19

20 JINR Schedule Pre-series unit GSI JINR
Delivery of all information GSI -> JINR Mar 2014 Manufacturing design review – approval Aug 2014 Jun Production preparation completed Oct Magnet units accepted (FAT) May 2015 Aug 2015 Magnet units cold tests start Sep Magnet units cold tests end Mar 2016 Magnet units accepted Oct Series units Start of production May 2016 Dec 2016 Start of testing Jul Jun End of production May 2018 Apr End of testing Jun Jun Production rate 7 per month 4 per month S. Kostromin, H. Khodzhibagiyan, G. Trubnikov, FAIR 11th MAC, GSI, May, 2014 20

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