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Presentation on theme: "REDD+ ZONAL STAKEHOLDERS AWARENESS CREATION WORKSHOP"— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction Deforestation and forest degradation account for one third of the total emissions today how ever, the forestry sector also offers huge abetment potential through for sequestration Which is underlined by the fact that already today Ethiopia has one of the largest forestation and reforestation programes in the world.

3 Introduction REDD+ offers opportunity to implement forestry abatement levers and monetise the respective abatement potential in a structured way Ethiopia has already prepared a readiness preparation proposal (that lays out its plan to prepare for REDD+ implementation this R-PP has been accepted and we are now ready for its REDD+ preparation

4 Introduction The preparation phase will include the setup of organisational structure ,the definition of of a REDD+ strategy as well as the preparation for implementation of concrete mitigation actions within REDD+.

5 Why Regional REDD+ Pilots?
→ Meant to generate lessons (in the Ethiopian context) Engaging local level stakeholders Benefit sharing mechanisms Testing strategic options → Generating ‘best practice’ benchmarks. “ can serve as a reality check for national policies“ → lessons feed into the REDD+ Strategy

6 Why Regional REDD+ Pilots?
→ Strengthened local user rights and sustainable forest management PFM initiatives → Reduce pressure off the forest resources Better Mgt of plantations Intensified Agroforestry → Pilots will be assessed at the end of R-PP implementation on the basis of Effectiveness (Carbon), Efficiency (economic) and social benefits. → The better-performing strategies will be identified for scaling-up.

7 Regional REDD+ Preparatory Pilots
Objectives ‘… to document ‘bankable’ REDD+ Pilot Activities, that would be ready to receive further financing…’ Approach A/R (Tigray & Amhara): A Landscape level A/R approach on a pilot forest in the region Scope Geographic: to be defined (undergoing) Activity: Civil works not permissible (Safeguard restrictions)

8 Pilot Preparatory Activities
Eligible activities   Technical studies/Assessments Community support Capacity Building/Training/exposure visits Awareness creation PFM Activities Preparation of business plan models/Guidelines/manuals

9 Ineligible Activities (not part of the Readiness Fund)
Large scale land disturbance activities (Nursery establishment, preparation for tree planting programs (= civil works, environmental safeguards) Buildings, roads, anything that resembles “infrastructure” (= civil works, environmental safeguards) Land taking or access restrictions, compelled participation (=social safeguards) Inequitable selection of participants or distribution of benefits (= social safeguards)

10 Plan of Preparatory Activities for Tigray region Capacity building
Result Training on Project Management for RCU Coordinators (In-country) Training on REDD+ Pilot Project Development (In country) Training of Regional, Zonal gov't officials, stakeholders (In-country) Visits to sites with successful Ethiopian experience (gov't officials & community) Training on potential REDD+ Strategies (RCU staff, regional experts - In country) Awareness and capacity of stakeholders enhanced

11 Technical Studies/Assessments
Activities Results Legal/Institutional Arrangement Analysis of drivers of D & D and clear definition of strategic Options Preparation of a C & P Plan Assessment of Capacity Building Needs (RCU, Stakeholders, community) Develop REL & Potential ER to be generated Benefit Sharing Arrangements Assessment of best practices on sustainable NRM Assessment of fuel wood & construction wood demand/supply Prepared for REDD+ implementation

12 Participatory Forest Management (PFM)
activities Results Trainings to community and gov't representatives Organizing & conducting experience exchange for gov't & commun Rep Boundary demarcation & Mapping (20 PFM/Pilot or Region) Preparation of Forest Mgt Plans PFM Institution Formation Legalization and signing of PFM Agreements Establishing Benefit sharing and Fund Mgt Arrangement -increased awareness on benefit and services of forests -provided local community with significant income(honey, spices, bamboo) Increase carbon sequestration

13 Purchase, transport & distribution of briquette making tools
Component 4. Community Support for Livelihood Diversification (Training/Awareness/Investment) Activity result Purchase, transport & distribution of NTFP production tools (bee hives, processing tools) Purchase, transport & distribution of briquette making tools Purchase, transport & distribution of improved fruit varieties Income of forest dependent community increased Rural food security promoted Reduce pressure on forests

14 Conti… Activties Results Demand for fuel wood decreases
Purchase, transport & distribution of improved cooking stoves Purchase, transport & distribution of Solar Panels Demand for fuel wood decreases -

15 Cont… Activties Results Purchase, transport & distribution of Radio
Farmers with good practices of forest management motivated

16 Cont.. Activies Results Training on Bee Keeping Training on Nursery
Training on fruit tree production & Management Training on Bee Keeping Training on Nursery Management and NTFP Processing Training on briquette making Community skill and knowledge on IGAS increased

17 Preparation of business Plans or Models and preparation of Guidelines/Manuals
activities Results Guideline for local level land use plan Manual on selection of appropriate Biological & Physical measures to increase productivity Manual for establishment of small scale nurseries for production of valued species Developing business plans & marketing channels for locally produced livelihood products Capacity of pilot area strengthened

18 Regional REDD+ Coordination Unit (RCU)
RCU - responsible for Coordinate and advance REDD+ Readiness at regional level Implement Regional REDD+ Pilot preparatory activities

19 Thank you for listening


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